Together with the ATS adjusting and testing software, the PWM 20 phase angle measuring unit serves for diagnosis and adjustment of HEIDENHAIN encoders. For more information, see the PWM 20/ ATS Software Product Information document. DRIVE-CLiQ is …
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6 产品信息ecn 1313/ecn 1325/ern 1387 7/2017 海德汉测量设备 pwm 20 与ats调试和测试软件一起使用时, pwm 20相位角测量仪可以诊断和 调整海德汉公司的编码器。 pwm 20 编码器输入 • endat 2.1或endat2.2(绝对值有/无增量信号) • drive-cliq • 发那科串行接口 • 三菱高速接口
HEIDENHAIN ERN 1387 - A Tech Authority
The HEIDENHAIN ERN 1387 compact incremental single turn rotary encoder is designed for servo motors/drives applications with integral bearing and mounted stator coupling with a tapered shaft. Request A Quote
Technical details such as rigid shaft connections, high mechanical natural frequencies for rotary encoder couplings, wider run-out tolerances, easy mounting, and, for absolute rotary encoders, high-performance bidirectional interfaces (EnDat), are just a …
編碼器之傳輸距離會隨著出力回路以及應答週波數不同變化.訊號異常時多留意.訊號傳輸距離較長時,推薦使用線性出力型編碼器. 安裝時請注意編碼器之供應電源之電壓值以及正負極有無接錯,接錯時,容易導致編碼器短路. 在安裝端子盤以及電纜接頭時,請按照安裝指示進行. 在接點上,請使用金屬製外箱以及金屬連接器,以防止外部雜訊干擾,接點直接曝露在外的情況下,請注意避免結霜以及水氣干擾. 電纜線延長的情況下,請使用蕊線斷面積大一些的線材,以確保信號 …
3.1 Dissassembling the ERN 1387 / EQN 1325 8 3.2 Dissassembling the ERN 1387.001, ERN 1387.003, ERN 1387.020, S21 / EQN 1325.001, EQN 1325.020 9 4 Reassembly of the ERN 1387... / S21 / EQN 1325... 11 4.1 Assembling the holding plate 11 Motors 1FT603.-04: 11 Motors 1FT604.: 12 Motors 1FK704.: 12 Motors 1FT606.-1FT613./ 1FK606.-1FK610./ 1FK706 ...
The PWM 20 phase angle measuring unit serves together with the provided ATS adjusting and testing software for diagnosis and adjustment of HEIDENHAIN encoders. For more information, refer to the Product Information document PWM 20/ATS Software. This Product Information supersedes all previous editions, which thereby become invalid.
Model: ERN-1387.035-2048 ID No.: 749147-01. Supply Voltage: 5 VDC Incremental signals: 1 Vpp Mech. permiss. Speed: max. 2000 rpm Permissible axial motion of measured shaft: ±1.5 mm Radial Runout of Measured Shaft: 0.13 mm Electrical Connection: 14-pin Operating temperature:-40 …
The encoder ERN 1387 is an incremental-type encoder. Incremental signals are sin-cos signals. The encoder must be connected to the inverter according to the specification in Table 6. Cable shield must be connected to housing. The feeding of the sensor is connected inside to the main feeding. Table 6.
ERN1387 Datasheet - Rotary Encoders - Heidenhain
2022年11月3日 · This is Rotary Encoders with Plane-Surface Coupling for Elevator Servo Drive Control. Features. Rotary Encoders with integral bearings for elevator technology. 1. Simple installation. 2. Rigid shaft coupling. 3. Plane-surface coupling for large mounting tolerances. 4. Uniform dimensions for various interfaces. This entry was posted in Datasheet.