“Kicked due to unexpected client behavior error 268 ... - Roblox
2020年8月27日 · You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! We need more technical information about the conditions under which the platform auto-kicks players with the message “Kicked due to unexpected client behavior, Error: 268”. We, the developers of the game …
Error Code 268 Happening For No Reason At All "You have been
2024年6月18日 · Error Code 268 Happening For No Reason At All "You have been ... - DevForum ... Loading ...
Can't play any Roblox game. Error Code: 268
2023年6月25日 · EDIT: 7/1/2023. I have found out that this issue was caused by me frequently server hopping between an experience’s places (Specifically joining new servers every 30 seconds), and once I’ve done enough times, I kept getting kicked for unexpected client behavior until an hour passed, I could join any experience again.
Roblox kicks me from all games. Error Code: 268
2019年3月4日 · The following message displays when I try to join any game. The game will load for a few seconds before kicking me. I can’t think of much more to say but I have not changed any settings recently, researched the issue and no one else seems to be experiencing this. I was playing games fine this morning and this issue only started happening an hour or so ago. I do …
Frequent error 268 disconnects, disrupting gameplay. - Roblox
2025年3月14日 · I’m also having this issue as of today’s patch, among others on my same network.
error code 268 | Roblox Forum
2019年10月16日 · A forum community dedicated to Roblox players and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about collections, outfits, news, groups, reviews, classifieds, and more!
Mobile / Tablet Players Kicked For Unexpected Client ... - DevForum
2020年4月10日 · My game, has been kicking mobile and tablet players out upon entry for ‘unexpected client behavior’. Now, this issue is not new at all, it has actually been happening since we did our large map update (known as Remastering Project) back on December 20. I have not reported it as a bug until now, mainly due to procrastination and attempts to self-diagnose …
Error code 268 presisting for 3 months - Roblox
2024年2月6日 · Reinstalling Roblox (also has issues with downloading roblox from the installer sometimes but he got the installer working again after some fix, shows up ERROR: 403) Waiting for a few hours, days, weeks, and now months
Need Help with Error Code 268 When Joining Games Too Quickly
2023年8月7日 · Need Help with Error Code 268 When Joining Games Too Quickly ... Loading ...
How do I kick a player with the error "You have been kicked
2023年12月17日 · Hey! So, I stumbled across an experience called: “NPCs are becoming smart! Hangout/RP” by Groovydominoes52 that kicked you for saying the word: “kath”, BUT it didn’t show the “You were kicked from this experience: You h…