Es'hail 2 - Wikipedia
Es'hail 2 (a.k.a. Qatar-OSCAR 100 or QO-100 [4]) is a Qatari satellite, launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on November 15, 2018. [5] [6] Es'hail 2 was built by Japan's Mitsubishi Electric company, and operates at 26° East longitude along a geostationary orbit to provide direct-to-home television services in the Middle East and North ...
Es'hail 2 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Es'hail 2(又称Qatar-OSCAR 100或QO-100 [4] )是一颗卡塔尔的商业卫星,于2018年11月15日搭载SpaceX的猎鹰9号火箭发射 [5] [6] 。 Es'hail 2由日本的 三菱电机 公司制造,运行在东经26°的 地球同步轨道 上,为中东和北非地区提供到户电视服务 [ 7 ] 。
Es'hail 2 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
Es'hail 2(又稱Qatar-OSCAR 100或QO-100 [4] )是一顆卡塔爾的商業衛星,於2018年11月15日搭載SpaceX的獵鷹9號火箭發射 [5] [6] 。Es'hail 2由日本的三菱電機公司製造,運行在東經26°的地球同步軌道上,為中東和北非地區提供到戶電視服務 [7] 。
Es’hail 2 / QO-100 - AMSAT-UK
Es’hail-2 carries two “Phase 4” amateur radio transponders operating in the 2400 MHz and 10450 MHz bands. A 250 kHz bandwidth linear transponder intended for conventional analogue operations and an 8 MHz bandwidth transponder for experimental digital modulation schemes and DVB amateur television.
埃斯海尔2号 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京 …
埃斯海尔2号(Es'hail 2, Qatar-OSCAR 100, QO-100)是一颗卡塔尔的地球同步轨道卫星,于 2018 年 11 月 15 日由 SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号火箭发射。 [1] 埃斯海尔2号由日本三菱电机公司建造,在东经 26°沿地球静止轨道运行,为中东和北非地区提供直接到户的电视服务。
Es'hail-2 @ 25.8° E - FlySat
Follow the digital satellite frequencies on our daily updated site.
Es'hail 2 at 25.8°E - LyngSat
Badr 5/7/8 & Es'hail 2 | Badr 5 | Badr 7 | Badr 8 | Es'hail 2 This satellite is below horizon in Boydton, United States The EIRP values are for Richmond, Virginia, United States
Es'hail 2/AMSAT P4A (QO 100, Qatar-OSCAR 100)
2024年9月10日 · Es'hail 2 is a planned communication satellite operated by Es’hailSat, the Qatar Satellite Company. It will also feature an radio amateur payload.
ES'HAIL 2 (QO-100) Satellite details 2018-090A NORAD 43700
2025年2月26日 · ES'HAIL 2 is a communication satellite operated by Es’hailSat, the Qatar Satellite Company. The satellite is positioned at the 26° East hotspot position for TV broadcasting and significantly adds to the company’s ability to provide high quality, premium DTH television content across the Middle East and North Africa.
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
2018年11月15日 · Es’hail 2 was built in Japan by Mitsubishi Electric Corp. and is owned by Qatar’s national satellite communications company, Es’hailSat. Equipped with Ku-band and Ka-band transponders, Es’hail 2 will provide television broadcasts, broadband connectivity and other services to Qatar and neighboring parts of the Middle East, North Africa ...