ES43BBi Locomotive - Wabtec Corporation
The Wabtec Evolution Series ES43BBi locomotive is a heavy-haul locomotive specifically designed for 1,000 mm gauge railways and is equipped with a powerful 12-cylinder 4500 HP Evolution Series engine and eight powered axles designed to operate in extreme environments.
GE ES43BBi – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
A GE ES43BBi é uma locomotiva diesel-elétrica da linha GE Evolution Series, projetada e fabricada no Brasil pela GE Transportation, desde 2014 [1]. Esta locomotiva foi desenvolvida especificamente para se adequar as características técnicas das ferrovias de bitola métrica do país e é atualmente a locomotiva diesel-elétrica de oito eixos ...
【科普】轴式奇葩却为巴西米轨铁路重载运输而生的“Evolution”ES43BBi …
“Evolution Series”ES43BBi型内燃机车 ,是GE Transportation于2015年为巴西境内1000 mm窄轨铁路重载运输而研制的一款干线货运内燃机车。GE Transportation及后继的Wabtec累计交付60多台ES43BBi型机车给Rumo Logística和Valor da Logística Integrada两家物流公司,以及Klabin造纸 …
Brazil increases its fleet of eight-axle diesel ... - ROLLINGSTOCK
2023年3月15日 · Brazil: The US producer has signed with the VLI logistics company a contract worth 200 mln BRL ($38.4 mln) to supply 9 ES43BBI diesel locomotives of the Evolution family. The vehicles are designed for 1,000 mm narrow-gauge lines, which cover more than 80% of the country’s railway network.
【科普】轴式奇葩却为巴西米轨铁路重载运输而生的“Dash 9”BB40 …
“Dash 9”BB40-9WM型内燃机车,是GE Transportation于1997年为巴西东南部采用1000 mm窄轨轨距的维多利亚—米纳斯铁路而研制的一款干线货运内燃机车,累计交付Vale公司、América Latina Logística公司、Valor da Logística Integrada公司以及Brado Logística公司。 BB40-9WM-1311号机车(Vale) 巴西铁路运输概况. 1870年~1930年间,巴西铁路网主要负责将巴西农产品(尤其是咖啡)从内陆运输到港口,并进行航运联运。 但由于采用不同轨距的各条铁路由独 …
2023年3月6日 · 巴西铁路和港口运营商VLI授予Wabtec一份价值2亿雷亚尔(3840万美元)的合同,供应9台ES43BBI Evolution系列机车,以满足不断增长的货运量需求。 该交易于当地时间2月28日达成,第一…
Medium Weight Locomotives - Wabtec Corporation
ES43BBi Locomotive. Evolution Series heavy-haul locomotive specifically designed for 1,000 mm gauge railways equipped with a powerful 12-cylinder 4500 HP engine
ES43BBi - SaaG | PDF | Diesel Engine | Engines - Scribd
The document provides a specification overview for the ES43BBi Freight Locomotive, detailing its configuration, performance, and structural systems. It includes key technical data such as weight, horsepower, dimensions, and engine specifications, while emphasizing that the information is subject to mutual discussion and agreement.
【YouTube搬运】GE巴西分公司发布的GE ES43BBi型内燃机车宣传 …
GE推出ES43BBi机车升级设计 - 成员动态 - 世界轨道交通资讯网-世 …
据外媒消息8月19日,GE运输系统集团发表了ES43BBi升级版的设计,八轴柴油货运机车瞄准了1000毫米轨距铁路市场,现有该轨距共有23000公里,占美国全国铁路总长度的80%。 除了GE新交流牵引电动机, ES43BBi升级版还配有独立轴控制系统以提高附着力,并提供现有的直流电动机两倍的牵引力。 据GE公司称,两台新机车的牵引力能满足现有3~5台六轴机车的货运需要。 ES43BBi将满足全国铁路网的市场需求,使1000毫米轨距铁路运营商以更低成本进行货运。 …
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