Home - EmergencyServices Consulting International (ESCI)
With our international presence, ESCI has the ability to draw upon a international network of resources to assist with fire, EMS, law enforcement and homeland security agencies to plan and adapt to future needs.
About Us - EmergencyServices Consulting International (ESCI)
Since 1976, ESCI’s strength has been its commitment to customer satisfaction, innovation, and quality services. We are a vision-driven organization that is growing and changing to meet the dynamic challenges and opportunities for public safety services worldwide.
ESCI offers a selection of affordable written promotional tests, Assessment Centers, and Entrance Level Exams for fire, law enforcement, and EMS departments. Tests are customized by writing questions and assessments directly
Executive Recruitment for Florence County Fire & Rescue Department – Fire Chief Florence County Fire & Rescue Department Fire Chief Salary Range: $87,224 - $130,741
2025-HVO - EmergencyServices Consulting International (ESCI)
Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services 2025 Heavy Vehicle Operator Promotional Process
Executive Recruitment - EmergencyServices Consulting …
ESCI is the leader in public safety executive recruitment and selection. Current Openings Fire Chief Southern Platte Fire Protection District (MO) Platte County, Missouri, is one of the fastest growing areas in the Kansas City metro, with an area of approximately 420 square miles and a population of about 110,000. Twenty percent of Kansas City ...
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[email protected]. 503.570.7778. Emergency Services Consulting International. [email protected]. 503.570.7778. Application for Employment: Southern Platte : Fire Protection District (MO) Fire Chief: Instructions: Each question should be answered fully and accurately. No action can be taken on this application until all questions have been ...
Executive Recruitment for Anchorage Middletown Fire & EMS – Fire Chief Anchorage Middletown Fire & EMS Fire Chief $170,000 - $210,000 Starting salary is dependent upon experience and qualifications.
Management & Assessment - EmergencyServices Consulting …
ESCI has a working knowledge and understanding of contemporary fire, EMS, and police organizations and the complexity of current delivery systems, as well as our ability to utilize advanced analytical technology and methodology to ensure accurate observations and recommendations.
Executive Recruitment for Lexington County Fire Service – Fire Chief Lexington County Fire Service Fire Chief Starting salary range: $98,259.42 - $112,998.34