Home | Enterprise Systems Education for Africa
The Enterprise Systems Education For Africa (ESEFA) initiative aims to address the shortage of Enterprise Systems skills in Africa by enabling local universities to produce highly qualified ICT and ERP professionals.
SAP S/4HANA | Enterprise Systems Education for Africa - ESEFA
Enterprise Management with SAP S/4HANA in Your Teaching. ESEFA provides access to an SAP S/4HANA system, either as an exclusive system. A total of up to 1,000 students, 20 Teachers and 1 Master can access one client.
The Programme | Enterprise Systems Education for Africa - ESEFA
The Enterprise Systems Education For Africa (ESEFA) project phase ran from September 2013 to 2016 through a ground-breaking partnership between the University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Department of Information Systems, the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU) in Germany and market leader SAP with its SAP University Alliances programme.
ESEFA Centre (@ESEFA_UCT) / Twitter
2016年12月2日 · ESEFA Centre is an Academic Competence Centre for enterprise systems education in sub-Saharan Africa.
ESEFA - SchoolAndCollegeListings
The Enterprise Systems Education for Africa (ESEFA) programme is a partnership consisting of universities across Sub-Saharan Africa with the aim of sustainably providing high-quality enterprise systems education to undergraduate and postgraduate students across disciplines and …
Showcase :: School of IT
The ESEFA Digital Badge System has been designed and developed with the intent of providing ESEFA (Enterprise Systems Education for Africa) with an online platform, facilitating the issuing and sharing of digital certification for students.
Miché de Villiers - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
ESEFA (Enterprise Systems Education for Africa) Oct 2024 Secured 2nd place in a competition focused on data storytelling and visualization, using SAP Analytics Cloud to deliver impactful insights...
- 职位: B.Com Honours in Information …
- 位置: Women in Computer Science UCT
- 人脉数: 352
NRF-Rated Researchers | Faculty of Commerce
She is director of CITANDA (Centre for IT and National Development in Africa), on the executive of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists (SAICSIT), principal researcher for ESEFA (Enterprise Systems Education for Africa) and chair of the SAP African Academic Board.
Overview | Enterprise Systems Education for Africa - ESEFA
How courses are offered at ESEFA partner universities. The Department of Information Systems at UCT has developed an Enterprise Systems curriculum for each of the identified discipline streams: • Logistics Management • Business Computing / IS (Business Analysis) • Industrial Engineering • IT / Computer Science • Accounting
ESEFA: Event Detail
2014年2月3日 · Im Rahmen des Enterprise Systems For Africa (ESEFA) Projekts wird derzeit an der Entwicklung einer einzigarten Fallstudie als Bestandteil der Enterprise Systems (ES) Ausbildung in Südafrika, Nigeria, Tansania, Kenia, Mauritius, Sambia, Uganda, Ghana, Angola, Namibia sowie weiteren Ländern Subsahara-Afrikas gearbeitet.