ESFJ and INTJ relationship | Personality Cafe
2011年5月19日 · INTJ-ESFJ relations are called conflicting: Conflict Relations The two types have completely different cognitive functions: INTJ sees the world through Ni/Te/Fi/Se ESFJ sees the world through Fe/Si/Ne/Ti so since they don't share any functions together this means frequent misunderstandings which can lead to full blown conflicts
Compatibility Between INTJ (Female) and ESFJ (Male)?
2014年2月23日 · On the one hand, it sounds like an awful disconnect, but for an INTJ, this is a decent relationship, I think, so long as the ESFJ spouse doesn't hang and need a constant feed of attention, and the ESFJ is sufficiently socially oriented and applied with interests to keep busy when it seems like the INTJ isn't that engaged with the ESFJ.
[INTJ] - How to better deal with an ESFJ mother...
2010年5月14日 · Dark Mode; Light Mode
INTJ child with an ESFJ/ENFJ mother | Personality Cafe
2012年7月11日 · Hi! I have open this thread because I want to know how can an INTJ deal with an ESFJ/ENFJ parent or with a person with this type. My mother took the test some months ago and in revealed that she was an ENFJ. Actually, I tend to think that she is more ESFJ or she didn't develop her N. Her result didn't surprised me.
How does an INTJ cope with an ESFJ mother? | Personality Cafe
2013年9月28日 · Anyway. INTJ with an ESFJ mother here. I moved halfway across the planet. I know the guilt trip you’re talking about quite well. It sucks. Arguing with her that she shouldn’t feel this way and she shouldn’t do it isn’t going to help. It’s only going to make it worse (tried, tested, verified) and you want to avoid worse. Worse is, well ...
Best and worst parents for each mbti | Personality Cafe
2016年11月14日 · #1 INTJ (friends and coworkers) - Appreciates other angles, appreciates creativity and people who are different, doesn't stick their nose in other peoples business, gives good advice and backs it up with arguments, good intellectual capacity, enjoys complex topics, takes responsibility without keeping score.
A conniving ESFJ against an INTJ | Page 2 | Personality Cafe
2019年3月14日 · Hm, I don't know. I'd be inclined to say no, from my experience with ESFJ women, so I'd think ESFJ guys would be similar. However, that's really more a question of upbringing. ESFJ are SJ traditionalists, so how they were raised the values instilled in oneself is how they'll grow up to be.
opinion of INTJs | Personality Cafe
2011年8月1日 · INTj's are great people. . . they however are terrible initiators and that can be frustrating to an ESFj girl that wants a MAN. I think it's more likely to find a INTj woman with an ESFj man. . . simply because of the dynamics of the relationship.
I married an ESFJ and I need help! | Personality Cafe
2017年1月5日 · INTJ and ESFJ is a difficult pairing to begin with, and when you cannot communicate your good will and love toward her it feels extra unfair and frustrating. Tbh it sounds like you two have greater issues than merely Fe-Te miscommunication, but a fundamental misalignment of personal priorities and lifestyle.
ESFJ and Long Distance - Personality Cafe
2012年12月18日 · Hello ESFJ's and everyone else, I'm new here So I'll try my best to make a long story short. I'm a 26 year old INTJ male in a long distance relationship with a 23 year old ESFJ. I'm in the USA and she's in Asia (she's American), so it's quite tough for the both of us. We see each other about once every two months and when we're together, it's ...