Blade 70s or Esky 150 V2? - RC Groups
2020年2月23日 · Same, with 3 exceptions: 1. Color 2. Esky 150 V2 has a cool tail light 3. HH support! (incl. parts, which are actually inexpensive and in my extensive experience with this item, unneeded unless you step on it or put it in the oven: it is a SUPER and extremely well-engineered non-HH design, rather a great Esky design and produced by them -- very, very well! -- highly likely in the same factory ...
Esky v2 150 - RC Groups
2019年6月1日 · As my Spektrum 6Xi died, I purchased a Boxer with the hope of putting all the planes, helis and quadcopters on one radio. I began with the Esky 150 V2, and I seemed to be stumped. I followed two videos--one for the radiomaster TX16S and the Esky 150 V2 by John Salt, and a video by Ali Shanmao on binding the Esky 150 EC to the Boxer.
Esky 150 V3 - RC Groups
2023年2月3日 · The Esky 150 v2 to activate it so the throttle works, you have to hold full right rudder for 2-3 seconds first as a sort of safety measure I guess. (The manual pagelet used to mention it) And fly it right away as the "safety" goes back on if you wait too long to give throttle.
Esky 150 V2 battery options - RC Groups
2022年9月28日 · Discussion Esky 150 V2 battery options Micro Helis. You can also get Lectron pro 175mah (stock are 150mah) online, the 4 pack is $15 plus about $5 shipping.
Esky 150 V2 Helicopter with Transmitter - RC Groups
2019年1月12日 · Esky 150 V2 Helicopter with Transmitter Hi All, I just got a Esky 150 V2 helicopter and have a problem with the sub trims...Not sure if I am doing something wrong or if it is just the transmitter... When I try to hoover the helicopter, and try to set the sub trims nothing no corrections, the helicopter just keeps doing the same movement.
Esky Seagull - RC Groups
2025年1月15日 · I asked Esky about using an edge TX radio and they mentioned it wouldn't be possible with this Seagull model as it uses a new protocol 150 v3. Their reply below if it is of any use, could be why it's such a handful to fly? This is the reply I got >>>> "The V2 transmitter's channel order is TAER1234, while the Seagull-compatible transmitter uses ...
Esky f150 v2 can bind to taranis transmitter?? - RC Groups
2018年3月17日 · Did anyone had luck with the F150 v2? I have the 4in1-module (irangeX) - set it up to serial mode (red an green led on module are solid) - set up a new model with external module protocol esky 150 But I cannot bind it. When I power up the heli the blue led blinks. About 5 secs later the green led flashes. I used the bind option on the TX. :-
Esky 150 V3 - Page 2 - RC Groups
2022年10月2日 · Esky 150 V2 Helicopter with Transmitter: karl51: Micro Helis: 16: Feb 12, 2019 05:30 AM: New Product: ESKY ...
Esky 150 /F150 V2 CC3D firmware and BL - RC Groups
2020年8月25日 · Esky 150 /F150 V2 CC3D firmware and BL Hi there, I am trying to upload the original 15.02.02 firmware and BL to the F150 V2 CC3D board, but cannot get the board to boot after upload.
Esky v2 150 - RC Groups
2020年5月21日 · Discussion Esky v2 150 Micro Helis. Forums; Magazine; Blogs; Classifieds; Places; More; Search; Sign Up | Log In