PVC and CPVC Pipe Sekisui Eslon PVC and CPVC pipe have a num-ber of outstanding features, such as high chemi-cal resistance, easy installation, and reasonable price, which can lead to the reduction of total construction cost. Eslon PVC and CPVC can or should replace other materials of construction in size ranges available for all sorts of ...
SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Industrial Pipes, and Material
We have established corrosion and chemical resistance with plastic materials that cannot be achieved with metals. We offer reliable technology that only Sekisui Chemical can provide.
Supported by an abundance of proven results, these pipes are widely used in cutting-edge industries where ultra-pure water is required, such as semiconductors where ultra-high integration is proceeding, and flat panel display manufacture, etc.
ESLON pipes for buildings VP/VU/HI Gold+ (rigid polyvinyl …
This is a lineup of ESLON pipes, ESLON polyvinyl chloride joints, and ESLON adhesives for building pipes with excellent corrosion resistance. Further, there is also a lineup of transparent joints for water supply and drainage that enable on-site visual inspection of …
Ideal PVC Pipe for chemical application. Ultimate chemical and corrosion resistance with particularly formulated PVC material. PVC & CPVC pipes and fittings for ASTM/Sch80 dimensions. Proposal for doagnpsis of chemical and UV deterioration. ESLON AC DRAIN PIPE&Fittings are pre-insulation pipes, saving time and labor during the construction process.
Eslon Valve, Eslon AC Drain - Sekisui Industrial Piping Co., Ltd.
Sekisui Industrial Piping Co., Ltd. provides a range of Eslon valve, Eslon AC drain services for companies seeking to expand our business in Taiwan and abroad. Continuous research and development ensu ...
Eslon Sch80 CPVC / PVC Pipes and Fittings
For nearly 23 years, Sekisui Industrial Piping Co., Ltd. delivers a broad range of innovative and reliable Sch80 CPVC / PVC pipes and fittings and controls solutions specifically designed to maximize performance, energy efficiency and cost savings.
Sekisui Eslon Duct is a duct pipe made of hard PVC which offers excellent corrosion resistance, processability and economy. Used for applications requiring high corrosion resistance such as industrial chemicals which could not be handled with …
Product Line - Sekisui Industrial Piping Co., Ltd. - Eslon
Sekisui Industrial Piping Co., Ltd. offers PVC & CPVC Pipe, Fitting, Valve in Plastic & Rubber Products industry including: Eslon Valve, Eslon Sch80 CPVC / PVC Pipes and Fittings, Eslon AC Drain Pipes ...
エスロンパイプ/VP・VU | キーワード検索 | 積水化学工業株式会社
排水、通気用エスロンパイプVP・VUは耐食性に優れたポリ塩化ビニル製。 管内面が滑らかで摩擦抵抗が小さく、スライムが付着しにくいため、長年にわたり安定した流量を保持します。 肉厚のVP管はあらゆる排水設備に、薄肉のVU管は一般の戸建住宅や簡易な排水設備に最適です。 Copyright (C) SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. 積水化学工業株式会社の製品のキーワード検索です。 製品一覧・検索では、積水化学工業の製品を事業分野別、キーワード別、五十音別で …