ESO 383-76 - Wikipedia
ESO 383-76 is a supergiant elliptical galaxy (type-cD galaxy) of an advanced Hubble morphology (E5, with E0 being spherical and E7 being flattened), with its major axis being more than twice the length of its minor axis. The galaxy is a very luminous source of X-rays, and is the sixth-brightest X-ray source in the sky. [3]
ESO 383-76 - Wikiwand
ESO 383-76 is a supergiant elliptical galaxy (type-cD galaxy) of an advanced Hubble morphology (E5, with E0 being spherical and E7 being flattened), with its major axis being more than twice the length of its minor axis. The galaxy is a very luminous source of X-rays, and is the sixth-brightest X-ray source in the sky.
ESO 383-76:宇宙中最大的星系,直径176万光年-浩瀚科普
2023年6月15日 · 银河系的直径大约为10万光年,而ESO 383-76则是目前科学家发现的宇宙中直径最大的星系,其直径超过了176万光年,是银河系的17倍。 ESO 383-76星系距离地球大约6.54亿光年,它属于一类叫做超巨椭圆形星系的分类,位于Abell 3571星系团的中心。
Type-cD galaxy - Wikipedia
ESO 383-76 within the Abell 3571 cluster, imaged by Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument in 2019. The type-cD galaxy [1] (also cD-type galaxy, [2] cD galaxy [3]) is a galaxy morphology classification, a subtype of type-D giant elliptical galaxy. Characterized by a large halo of stars, [4] they can be found near the centres of some rich galaxy ...
List of largest galaxies - Wikipedia
Listed below are some notable galaxies under 700,000 light-years in diameter, for the purpose of comparison. All links to NED are available, except for the Milky Way, which is linked to the relevant paper detailing its size.
List of The Largest Galaxies Ordered by Size - Little Astronomy
2023年7月28日 · In this article, we’ll take a look at the largest galaxies in the universe in order starting from the biggest galaxy we know about, ESO 383-76 which has a diameter of 1.7 million light-years. It is important to note that this ranking is constantly changing as we keep finding and measuring more and more galaxies.
List of Largest Known Black Holes - Fandom
This is a list of black holes, based on Schwarzschild diameter, which is based on mass. Since black hole size is based on mass, the source for the mass will be linked, not the radius. The Schwarszchild radius formula calculates 5.9066787641337571161930467757632585125117428409421493954943424046 km per solar mass for a black hole.
DISCOVER The Monster Galaxy ESO 383-76! - YouTube
Explore the mysteries of the universe with us as we delve into the fascinating world of ESO 383-76, a galaxy so massive it's being called the "Monster Galaxy...
So What is REALLY the "Largest Galaxy Known?" Let me explain ... - Reddit
If you go to the List of Largest Galaxies in Wikipedia (which has been evaluated by many authors), you will find ESO 383-76 at the top of the list. This is the largest galaxy they have found in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database after some months of searching.
99 Galaxy - The largest galaxy discovered so far, ESO ... - Facebook
The largest galaxy discovered so far, ESO 383-76, is a staggering 1.76 million light-years in diameter — that's 17 times larger than our Milky Way! 😱 🎯Follow 99 Galaxy for curious adventures through Space and Time, and learn more about astronomy and astrophysics along the way.