English — Elder Scrolls Online
This is a read-only section intended for Brazilian-Portuguese speakers. This section is only intended to share major announcements (i.e. patch notes, game updates, etc.) from community managers to community members.
ESO Revival Strategy 2025 — Elder Scrolls Online
2025年3月22日 · ESO seems like a nightmare to balance. But getting rid of the sets in ESO is at this point chucking out a massive chunk of the game. My opinion. ESO pvp is not worth it. There are other games that do it much better and are ultimately more fun. I wish I could have wowesqe pvp in ESO (I prefer their battleground format) but its not gonna happen.
Can't sign in to ElderScrollsOnline account - SOLVED!
Hi, @methroixb16_ESO. If you haven't already, it may help to clear your cache and cookies. If you haven't already, it may help to clear your cache and cookies. Also, we recommend adding account.elderscrollsonline.com as an exception in your anti-virus or firewall software, and this software may be blocking our site.
New Skill Styles — Elder Scrolls Online
2025年3月10日 · Hello! There are 5 new skill styles with this update that were not mentioned in the patch notes. While 4 are fairly self explanatory, the Soul Trap, Carmine Red skill style achievement text doesn't give any indication on how to obtain the necessary fragments.
Where Do I Buy Bank And Merchants Signs - Elder Scrolls Online
2017年2月22日 · The crafting signs are at the vendors in the crafting areas, ie, the enchanter that sells the runes will also sell the enchanting sign if youre level 50 in the craft. The bank sign and general merchant sign...i dont know those
Official Discussion Thread for "Forge New Bonds during the 2025 …
2025年3月12日 · This is the official discussion thread for, "Forge New Bonds during the 2025 ESO Guild Celebration" "Discover and connect with communities of like-minded players ready to aid you throughout your adventures during the 2025 ESO Guild Celebration."
What keeps you engaged in the ESO? — Elder Scrolls Online
2025年3月1日 · That combines for a low bar. For better story-telling you'd have to look at other games, even some other MMOs. That said, what ESO - and Elder Scrolls in general - is IMO good at is the open world design, the landscapes, the immersion, the fact that you can go into houses, the feel that someone lives there, and the lore, if you're into that.
Are the servers down? 6 Feb 2025 - PC NA - Elder Scrolls Online
2025年2月6日 · Maintenance for the week of March 17: • [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 18, 2:00PM EDT (18:00 UTC) - 6:00PM EDT (22:00 UTC)
January 2025 Roadmap — Elder Scrolls Online
2025年1月3日 · Like many players though, I am a bit anxious about the implications of Matt's letter and what it means for the future of ESO, particularly in the light of the cancellation of the US in-person event. It would really help the community if some things were mentioned in the U45 preview stream on the 9th that could try to reassure us about the ...
Console mods. Finally! — Elder Scrolls Online
2025年1月9日 · PS4, and even PS4Pro already struggles with not enough memory to run ESO effectively. Even a character's boosted run-speed out paces the console's ability to discard and load in new objects resulting in constant "sillouette" players and non-interactable npc's.