The Elder Scrolls Online, AddOns and Mods Community.
Elder Scrolls Online AddOns - ESOUI
The Elder Scrolls Online, AddOns and Mods Community.
This update brings 2-sided Battlegrounds matches, featuring 4v4 and 8v8 game modes. 2-sided Battlegrounds includes new maps and support for Capture the Relic, Team Death Match, Domination, Chaos Ball, and Crazy King modes.
ESOUI - FAQ: Installing AddOns
How do I install an AddOn? To manually install your AddOns: 1. Download your chosen addon 2. Extract the files to a folder on your desktop.
Latest AddOns : Elder Scrolls Online AddOns - ESOUI
The Elder Scrolls Online, AddOns and Mods Community.
PhinixUI : Graphic UI Mods : Elder Scrolls Online AddOns - ESOUI
2023年3月18日 · PhinixUI A complete self-configuring UI overhaul for ESO! (Click your flag to translate the page. Addon includes in-game support for all listed languages.)
AddOns - ESOUI
A place to ask your questions about a specific addon. Please first read the threads at the top before you post!
Map, Coords, Compasses : Elder Scrolls Online AddOns - ESOUI
2025年3月11日 · Lost Treasure: Lost Treasure is an Elder Scrolls Online addon that shows treasure map, survey maps and tribute clue locations on your World Map.
Combat Mods : Elder Scrolls Online AddOns - ESOUI
The Elder Scrolls Online, AddOns and Mods Community.
Character Advancement : Elder Scrolls Online AddOns - ESOUI
The Elder Scrolls Online, AddOns and Mods Community.