Bike Forums - Major issues with SRAM Red eTap front derailleur
Greetings, A question to SRAM Red eTap users: Are you having issues with the front derailleur? Mine has been in the bike shop 3 times in the last 2 months for service. The 1st trip was an adjustment, the second trip was a limit screw replacement. The third was an entire front derailleur replacement. Replacing the front derailleur did not fix the issue, amazingly. Here's the …
Drilling the top tube for brake cable? - Bike Forums
Feb 26, 2025 · My new to me '86 Paramount track bike just got it's rear brake, it's going to be a road bike for a while. I would dearly love to drill the top tube to put the brake cable inside rather than clamp it outside. Does anyone make a nice smooth entry fixture if I drill the holes to do this? If I am an idiot for even thinking of doing this just say so, I can take it.
Question for SRAM AXS knowledgeable people - Bike Forums
Feb 20, 2025 · Bicycle Mechanics - Question for SRAM AXS knowledgeable people - I have a wild idea....which as usual would end up costing bucks. but as SRAM does not make new etap levers for mechanical brakes, would a 1x setup using a AXS xplr rear derailer of one sort or the other work with a blip box and a pair of blips? seems like
Giant Roam owners- largest tire option? - Bike Forums
Apr 27, 2018 · Hybrid Bicycles - Giant Roam owners- largest tire option? - Wondering what the largest/widest tire option is that people have experiment with on these bikes with clearance. Mine is the 2017 frame, unsure how different it may be to older ones in the series. Also what sort of 700c tire options to look at that provide
Bike Forums - View Single Post - SRAM Force eTap AXS FD chain …
Post 22933861 - BikeForums is the leading online discussion site for avid cyclists.
Schwinn serial number decode - Bike Forums
Mar 13, 2025 · Classic & Vintage - Schwinn serial number decode - I am going cross eyed trying to figure out my Schwinn Track bike serial number code Clearly stamped into the BB is: 580 WB86201 I was told when I bought this it was a 1986, ok! but when I look at the product line up for 1986 anything track bike is called a Madison
Canyon: Endurace CF SLX Disc 8.0 DI2 vs Endurace CF SL Disc 8.0 DI2
Feb 13, 2018 · Bikes: 2019 Felt FR2 Etap Disc*2017 Wilier Cento10Air Ramato Etap*2020 Trek Domane SL6**2018 Trek ProCaliber 8
Parts Sale - Proceeds to help family of BF member who was hit by …
Mar 13, 2025 · Classic and Vintage Sales - Parts Sale - Proceeds to help family of BF member who was hit by a car - We recently had some tragic news that a longtime BF member was hit and killed by a car (3speedslow) R.I.P. I did not know him personally, but had always appreciated and benefited from his positive posts. In the weeks
Crazyguyonabike.com Website - Bike Forums
Mar 21, 2018 · General Cycling Discussion - Crazyguyonabike.com Website - I have been trying to open this website for about a week but my browser gives up after several minutes and says the site is not responding. Anyone else having this problem?
New road bike Dilemma: Jamis Ventura vs Giant Contend
Mar 1, 2018 · Road Cycling - New road bike Dilemma: Jamis Ventura vs Giant Contend - Hi, I am new here! Quick intro, got into cycling last summer, bought a diamondback insight 1 hybrid for commuting to/from work, and really enjoyed it. Took it to paved trails and really loved it. So now, thinking I should upgrade to a road bike (in
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