Etc. | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
etc.: The Game of Abbreviation. The reader will give you a letter combination... like DH, and a clue. It is up to you to solve the clue, and if you do, you get the points, which are scattered across the table. For example, if the letter combination is "DH", the clues read might be: 1. A miniature dwelling for toy people (Doll house) 2.
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2023年5月31日 · Most games don't make it to turn 18, so it seems you'd need Warden Thelwater (Scabbs), Hunter of Old (Tess), or Sous Chef (Cookie). Are there other ways to improve your chances of getting to 16 buddies before you win or die?
【行业干货】关于游戏的22个基础分类 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Game:其他类游戏 指玩家互动内容较少,或作品类型不明了的游戏类型。 常见于种类丰富的家用机游戏,如音乐小说《恐怖惊魂夜》系列等。
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Probably one of the best "playable movies" in recent years and a great tribute to the classic Indiana Jones films with a new story that can compare to them. There's a nice sense of discovery with how the game throws you into an open area to explore with few restrictions.
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