ETTC2-A-1995(中英文对照) 微结构标准钛合金棒材(dai-si-wei …
2017年3月5日 · ETTC2-A-1995(中英文对照) 微结构标准钛合金棒材(dai-si-wei-2017-3-5)(华西钛业水印),,陕西华西钛业有限公司在前身华西新技术开发研究所基础上发展起来,主要从事高强度钛及钛合金合金材料的检测、研发、生产和推广应用任务。 公司依托宝鸡钛产业集群技术装备高端真空自耗熔炼炉、3500吨锻压机、DX40径锻机等先进钛合金生产加工设备,以及西部金属材料股份有限公司理化检验中心,形成完整的科研、生产、检测链。
Some ISO Standards on alpha+beta titanium implant materials refer to a set of microstructural configurations provided in the ETTC 2 brochure which was published first in 1979 by the Technical Committee of European Titanium Producers [1].
tion are reproduced in Figs. 1, 2 and 3. The second ETTC publication is "Microstructura. Standards for a+~ Titanium Alloy Bars". Again in 3 languages, the booklet contains 81 photomicrographs of transverse and longitudinal bar structures from which limits of acceptability for Standard Aircraft Quality (STQ.
- [PDF]
The increasing importance of titanium for a growing number of applications in the aerospace, chemical processing, medical, general engineering and offshore fields has highlighted the need for brochure ETTC 2, published originally in 1979 to be revised and reprinted.
【精品】ETTC2-A英文 - 道客巴巴
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ETTC2是指“Enhanced Trunked Trunking Control (ETTC) Part 2: Air Interface Protocol Specification”,是一种用于无线通信系统的空中接口协议规范。 该标准范围涵盖了无线通信系统中的空中接口协议规范,主要用于数字无线电通信系统。 ETTC2的标准范围包括但不限于以下几个方面: 4. 安全性规范,包括加密算法、身份认证、数据完整性验证等方面的规范,确保Fra Baidu bibliotek信内容的安全性和保密性。 5. 服务质量规范,包括延迟、带宽、服务优先级等方面的 …
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IIB组二卤化物的亚硫醚配合物。Cd(ETTC)<sub>2</sub> I <sub>2 …
具有经验式M(ETTC)2 X 2(M = Zn或Hg,X = Br或I,ETTC =三硫代碳酸亚乙酯),Cd(ETTC)2 I 2和Hg(ETTC)X 2(X = Cl,通过使锌,镉或汞的二卤化物在二氯甲烷或乙醇中与ETTC反应获得Br或I)。