Europium - Wikipedia
Europium is a chemical element; it has symbol Eu and atomic number 63. It is a silvery-white metal of the lanthanide series that reacts readily with air to form a dark oxide coating. Europium is the most chemically reactive, least dense, and softest of the lanthanides.
铕(Europium),属于元素周期表第六周期3族镧系元素,元素符号Eu,原子序数63,相对原子质量151.964。 铕是一种较软的银灰色金属,相对密度为5.244g/cm3,熔点822℃,沸点1527℃,电阻率90×10-8Ω·m(25℃)。
Isotopes of europium - Wikipedia
Naturally occurring europium (63 Eu) is composed of two isotopes, 151 Eu and 153 Eu, with 153 Eu being the most abundant (52.2% natural abundance). While 153 Eu is observationally stable (theoretically can undergo alpha decay with half-life over 5.5×10 17 years), 151 Eu was found in 2007 to be unstable and undergo alpha decay . [ 4 ]
铕 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
銪 yǒu (英語: Europium;舊譯:䥲),是一種 化學元素,其 化學符號 为 Eu, 原子序數 为63, 原子量 為 151.964 u,属于 镧系元素,也是 稀土元素 之一。 銪是一種柔軟的銀白色 金屬,是最活潑的鑭系元素,在空氣和水中會快速氧化,需要保存在真空或充滿 惰性氣體 的玻璃管中才能維持其金屬光澤。 銪也是硬度最低的鑭系元素,可以用指甲壓出凹痕,也可以用刀輕鬆切割。 銪於1901年被發現,並以 歐洲 (Europe)命名。 身為稀土元素的一員,銪最穩定的 氧化態 …
Europium Facts - Element Atomic Number 63 - ThoughtCo
2017年3月9日 · Europium is a hard, silver-colored metal that readily oxidizes in air. It is element atomic number 63, with the symbol Eu. Discovery: Boisbaudran 1890; Eugene-Antole Demarcay 1901 (France) Element Classification: Rare Earth (Lanthanide) Word Origin: Named for the continent of Europe. Appearance: soft, silvery-white metal.
Europium | Eu (Element) - PubChem
Europium is a chemical element with symbol Eu and atomic number 63. Classified as a lanthanide, Europium is a solid at room temperature.
Europium (Eu) - The Chemical Elements
2020年4月9日 · Europium is a chemical element with an atomic number of 63 in the periodic table of elements. It’s one of the least abundant rare-earth elements that can be traced in Earth’s crust. Being a member of the lanthanides family of periodic table elements, europium is a divalent chemical element that makes it one of the most volatile members of ...
Europium (Eu) [63] — Chemical Element — Periodic Table
Get the facts about element Europium (Eu) [63] from the periodic table. Find physical data, electron configuration, chemical properties, aggregation states, isotope data (including decay trees) as well as some historic information.
Eu 铕 Europium - 元素周期表 - 试剂仪器网
原子序数63,原子量151.965,元素名来源于拉丁文,原意是“欧洲”。 1896年由法国化学家德马尔盖发现。 铕在地壳中的含量为0.000106%,是最稀有的稀土元素,主要存在于独居石和氟碳铈矿中,自然界有两种铕的同位素:铕151和铕153。
Europium Electron Configuration: Shells, Orbital Structure
Europium is the 63th element in the periodic table and the symbol is ‘Eu’. Europium has an atomic number of 63, which means that its atom has 63 electrons around its nucleus. The electron configuration of europium is 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 10 4p 6 5s 2 4d 10 5p 6 6s 2 4f 7, which means that the first two electrons enter the 1s ...