Frontpage - EU3D
EU3D is a Research and Innovation Action funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme (Societal Challenges 6: Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies) under Grant Agreement no. 822419.
EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy | EU3D - CORDIS
2024年11月13日 · The EU-funded EU3D project will implement a novel and rigorous analytical approach to studying the multilevel EU’s institutional and constitutional structures. It will develop a theory of differentiation analysing its acceptability, sustainability and …
EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy (EU3D) is a research project that brings together around 50 researchers from eight universities and two think tanks based in ten European countries. EU3D asks if differentiation is part of the problem or part of the solution to the European Union's current challenges.
EU3D Reports - EU3D - UiO
2023年7月29日 · EU3D is a Research and Innovation Action funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme (Societal Challenges 6: Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies) under Grant Agreement no. 822419.
EU3D Research Papers - EU3D - UiO
2023年7月27日 · The EU3D Research Papers are pre-print scientific articles on the differentiated European political order. The series is multidisciplinary, with a particular emphasis on the fields of political science, political theory, sociology, economy and law.
EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy (EU3D) …
EU3D is an EU-funded international research project coordinated by Prof. John Erik Fossum at ARENA. It brings together eight universities and two think tanks based in ten European countries. The starting point for EU3D is an increasingly differentiated European political order.
EU3D’s main objective is to develop and apply to the EU and beyond a theory of differentiation that specifies the conditions under which differentiation is politically acceptable, institutionally sustainable and democratically legitimate, and the conditions under which it is not, i.e. when conditions of dominance prevail.
EU3D- Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy - Bruegel
EU3D’s main objective is to develop and apply to the EU and beyond a theory of differentiation that specifies the conditions under which differentiation is politically acceptable, institutionally sustainable and democratically legitimate, and singles out those forms of differentiation that engender dominance.
Europe’s Triangular Challenge: Differentiation, Dominance and
2019年12月18日 · EU3D provides an overview assessment of EU polity differentiation and discusses the implications for dominance and democracy. That is complemented with a causal analysis of the specific mechanisms that we may associate with post-crises differentiation-engendered dominance and the mechanisms that we may associate with …
Publications - EU3D
EU3D aims to advance the state of the art on differentiation through a number of peer-reviewed scientific publications, most notably books and articles. Pre-print versions of articles are published as EU3D Research Papers and/or EU3D Reports. The Insights series is dedicated to knowledge and viewpoints from experts with policy-making experience.