Comparison of 3 anti-PLA2R inmmunoassaysfor the
2021年6月1日 · The test uses a biochip mosaic with a formalin-fixed EU90 (KEK293) cells transfected with complementary DNA encoding PLA2R, TSHD7A and nontransfected EU90 cells as a negative control. We employed a 1:10 dilution of serum following manufacturer instructions.
Comparison of 3 anti-PLA2R inmmunoassaysfor the
2021年6月1日 · The test uses a biochip mosaic with a formalin-fixed EU90 (KEK293) cells transfected with complementary DNA encoding PLA2R, TSHD7A and nontransfected EU90 cells
The immunoreactivity of patient's serum to CASPR2 and LGI1 …
EU90 cells were transfected with cDNAs encoding CASPR2, LGI1 and other four neuropil proteins associated with autoimmune encephalitis (EUROIMMUN, FA 112d-1005-1, Germany), incubated with this...
The role of NMDAR antibody in the etiopathogenesis of …
2016年9月13日 · Cell-based assays for those antibodies were performed using EU90 cells (Euroimmun AG, Luebec, Germany). The kits, referred to as Biochip by the manufacturer (Euroimmun), were incubated with the serum samples diluted as 1/10 and 1/200.
Autoimmune encephalitis | EUROIMMUN
Patients with autoimmune encephalopathies exhibit autoantibodies against neuronal cell surface antigens. The antibodies are directed against glutamate receptors (type NMDA or type AMPA), GABAB receptors, DPPX, voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKC) or VGKC-associated proteins (LGI1, CASPR2, TAG-1/ contactin-2).
关于MEMS器件,这一篇就够了 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MEMS技术的目标是通过系统的微型化、集成化来探索具有新原理、新功能的元件和系统,是一种典型的多学科交叉的前沿性研究领域,几乎涉及到自然及工程科学的所有领域,如电子技术、机械技术、物理学、化学、生物医学、材料科学、能源科学等。 其研究内容一般可以归纳为以下三个基本方面: 1.理论基础: 在当前MEMS所能达到的尺度下,宏观世界基本的物理规律仍然起作用,但由于尺寸缩小带来的影响(Scaling Effects),许多物理现象与宏观世界有很大区别,因 …
MEMS传感器主要优点是体积小、重量轻、功耗低、可靠性高、灵敏度高、易于集成等,是微型传感器的主力军,正在逐渐取代传统机械传感器,在各个领域几乎都有研究,不论是消费电子产品、汽车工业、甚至航空航天、机械、化工及医药等各领域。 常见产品有压力传感器,加速度计,陀螺,静电致动光投影显示器,DNA扩增微系统,催化传感器。 MEMS的快速发展是基于MEMS之前已经相当成熟的微电子技术、 集成电路技术 及其加工工艺。 MEMS往往会采用常见的机械零件 …
美新半导体 - Memsic Inc
美新半导体是全球领先的惯性MEMS传感器供应商, 为客户提供从MEMS传感芯片、软件算法和应用方案的一站式解决方案。 美新半导体大规模稳定量产的产品有全球独有热式加速度计、电容式加速度计、AMR地磁传感器、低功耗霍尔开关等产品,广泛应用于汽车、工业、医疗、可穿戴、智能家居、消费电子等领域,通过感知物理世界的位移和运动变化,为人们提供更加智能、可靠、安全 …
【科普】什么是MEMS?4步图解MEMS芯片制造 - 知乎
MEMS是Micro Electro Mechanical Systems(微机电系统)的缩写,具有微小的立体结构(三维结构),是处理各种输入、输出信号的系统的统称。 是利用微细加工技术,将机械零零件、电子电路、传感器、执行机构集成在…
MEMS based sensors – A comprehensive review of commonly …
2022年1月1日 · Of various technologies explored micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) based sensors are the key to addressing the above-mentioned requirements while serving their purpose to the fullest. Their compact size and reliable performance at a low cost of production makes them the go to choice for many commercial applications.
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