Edmodo - 全球最大學習社群 - NetDragon VR/AR Education Solution
Edmodo 為全球擁有逾 1.1 億名用戶的理想學習社群,於全港已有逾 40% 中小學教師及學生加入這個全球最大學習平台! 教育版Facebook,無需任何 IT 背景,老師及學生均容易適應,即開 …
Edmodo is a global education platform connecting students, teachers, and parents to create the largest learning community.
Edmodo - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store
Edmodo takes learning beyond the classroom by providing a free, safe place for teachers and students to connect and collaborate—anytime, anywhere. Designed with the full suite of …
Edmodo - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Edmodo 是一個面向 K-12 學校 和 教師 的教育技術平台,由尼克·博格(Nic Borg)、艾德·奧尼爾(Ed O'Neil)、傑夫·奧哈拉(Jeff O'Hara)以及克里斯托·哈特(Crystal Hutter)於2008年聯 …
Edmodo - Wikipedia
Edmodo was an educational technology platform for K–12 schools and teachers. Launched in 2008, it enabled teachers to share content, distribute quizzes and assignments, and manage …
Edmodo - 在线服务平台 - 青少年人工智能资源与创新平台 - 互联 …
Edmodo - 搜狗百科
2024年9月27日 · Edmodo是一个全球教育网络,为K-12学校提供面向教师、学生、管理人员和家长的通信和协作平台。 Edmodo网络使教师可以共享资源,分发测验和作业,并以安全和富有 …
Edmodo for Classroom Teachers | Agency of Education
For classroom teachers, Edmodo can be a powerful tool that gives you the tools to share class materials, assess student learning, keep parents updated, and build vibrant classroom …
Edmodo - Teachinghistory.org
Frustrated with school restrictions but aware that social media tools had the potential to increase learning, classroom teachers Nic Borg and Jeff O'Hara created Edmodo in 2008.