Potter wasp - Wikipedia
Potter wasps (or mason wasps), the Eumeninae, are a cosmopolitan wasp group presently considered a subfamily of Vespidae, but sometimes recognized in the past as a separate family, Eumenidae. Mud dauber wasps, which also build their nests with mud, are in the families Sphecidae and Crabronidae and not discussed here.
蜾蠃亞科 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
蜾 guǒ 蠃 luǒ 亞科 (學名: Eumeninae)是 胡蜂科 之下五個亞科之一,是一類分佈於全球的 黄蜂,也是胡蜂科之下生物多樣性最高的一個亞科。 有部份文獻將本亞科提升至科級,是為 蜾蠃科 (學名: Eumenidae)。 本亞科物種普遍均為色黑或棕,常帶有鮮明的黃色、白色、橙色、紅色、甚或上述各色混合的斑紋。 美國 南卡罗来纳州 一幅磚牆上有一個由蜾蠃建的巢。 蜾蠃亚科大多数独栖,雌蜂在 交配 后会选择合适的地点筑巢,并在巢内繁衍后代 [2]。 蜾蠃亞科物種 築巢 …
蜾蠃科 - 百度百科
平时自由生活,仅在产卵时才衔泥筑巢,或寻找竹管等处产卵,成虫捕捉鳞翅目等昆虫的幼虫,经刺蜇麻醉后带回筑巢室内贮存产卵。 全世界已知约3000种。 我国广泛分布的有北方蜾蠃Eumenes coarctatus (L.)和中华唇蜾蠃E.labiatus sinensis Giordani et Soika.
蜾蠃 - 百度百科
Subfamily Eumeninae - Potter and Mason Wasps - BugGuide.Net
Nov 7, 2023 · Eumenines prey mainly upon moth larvae, although some take larvae of leaf-feeding beetles. Adults take nectar. Most species nest in pre-existing cavities (e.g., old borings in wood, hollow stems, rock crevices) and use mud (less commonly sand) for partitions between brood cells ―thus 'mason wasps.'
Oct 28, 2024 · 蜾蠃科(学名:Eumenidae)属膜翅目细腰亚目胡蜂总科,全世界已知约3000种。我国广泛分布的有北方蜾蠃Eumenes coarctatus(L.)和中华唇蜾蠃E.labiatus sinensis Giordani et Soika。 1.分类史
Potter and Mason Wasps (Subfamily Eumeninae) · iNaturalist
Potter wasps (or mason wasps), the Eumeninae, are a cosmopolitan wasp group presently treated as a subfamily of Vespidae, but sometimes recognized in the past as a separate family, Eumenidae.
蜾蠃科 - 搜狗百科
Jun 7, 2022 · 蜾蠃科Eumenidae 属膜翅目,细腰亚目,胡蜂总科和胡蜂科很相似,区别在于:上颚长,刀状,完全闭合时相互交叉;中足胫节仅一个端距;爪两分叉;腹部第一节多长柄状或粗短,第一和第二节间常有缢缩。
Eumenidae - bugswithmike.com
The family Eumenidae comprises solitary wasps known for their unique pot-shaped nests made of mud or clay. These wasps play an essential role in ecosystems as both pollinators and predators of pest insects.
Eumenes spp., potter wasps of Florida - Entomology and …
These wasps make the familiar jug-like mud nests found on buildings, window sills, screens, and shrubs around the home. Members of the subfamily Eumenidae may be identified to genus with the aid of a key in Parker (1966). The only key for identifying North American species of Eumenes is that of Isley (1917) which is somewhat out of date.