Eunomia - Wikipedia
Eunomia was the goddess of law and legislation and one of the Second Generation of the Horae along with her sisters Dikē and Eirene. The Horae were law and order goddesses who maintained the stability of society, and were worshipped primarily in the cities of Athens, Argos and Olympia.
Eunomia Environmental Research & Consulting | Sustainability …
Eunomia provides research, consultancy and policy advice to solve the worlds sustainability and environmental problems, backed by evidence and expertise.
欧诺弥亚 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
欧诺弥亚 (希腊语: Εὐνομία 、 拉丁语: Eunomia,又译作 尤诺米阿)是 希腊神话 中司管明智 法律 与良好秩序的 女神。 时序三女神 荷赖 之一。 赫西俄德 的著作《神谱》中记载,她是 宙斯 和 忒弥斯 的3个女儿之一,主要是维护社会的司法、纪律与安定。
欧诺弥亚(Εὐνομία,英语:Eunomia,或译尤诺米阿,意指“法治下的秩序”),代表法律和秩序,并维护社会的安定。 秩序女神“Eunomia”一词由eu‘优’、nomos‘法则、秩序’组成,表示良好的秩序,-ia后缀表示该词汇为抽象名词概念。 eu- 几何之父欧几里得“Euclid”名字是由eu和cleos组成,意思是well-famed;人名Eugene和Eugenia都是出生高贵之意;而名字Eunice意思为大获全胜goodvictory;感觉良好是euesthesia;话说的好是euphemism。 再比如一个人比较笨,你夸 …
eunomia-bpf 用户手册: 让 eBPF 程序的开发和部署尽可能简单
用 eunomia-cc 工具链将内核的 eBPF 代码骨架和字节码编译为 JSON 格式 在用户态开发的高级语言(例如 C 语言)中嵌入 JSON 数据,并提供一些 API 用于操作 JSON 形态的 eBPF 程序骨架
EUNOMIA - Greek Goddess Hora of Good Order
Eunomia was the ancient Greek goddess of good order and lawful conduct. She was associated with the internal stability of a state, including the enactment of good laws and the maintenance of civil order. She was also the spring-time goddess of green pastures.
Eunomia: 基于 eBPF 的轻量级 CloudNative Monitor 工具,用于容 …
2023年2月24日 · Eunomia 是一个使用 C/C++ 开发的基于 eBPF的轻量级,高性能云原生监控工具,旨在帮助用户了解容器的各项行为、监控可疑的容器安全事件,力求提供覆盖容器全生命周期的轻量级开源监控解决方案。
GitHub - yunwei37/Eunomia: A lightweight eBPF-based Monitor …
Eunomia 是一个使用 C/C++ 开发的基于 eBPF的轻量级,高性能云原生监控工具框架,旨在帮助用户了解容器的各项行为、监控可疑的容器安全事件,力求提供覆盖容器全生命周期的轻量级开 …
Eunomia - Greek Mythology Wiki
Eunomia was the goddess of good order and lawful conduct. She was associated with the internal stability of a state, including the enactment of good laws and the maintenance of civil order. She was also the spring-time goddess of green pastures (nomia in Greek). Eunomia was one of the Horae of Justice and Law and the keepers of the gates of heaven.
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