Guarantees - PMV
Via PMV, you can get a guarantee of up to 1.5 million euros, covering a maximum of 75% of the amount of your credit. In exchange, you pay a one-off premium according to the size and term of the guarantee.
Waarborgen - PMV
Via PMV kan je een waarborg krijgen tot en met 2,25 miljoen euro, die maximum 75% van het bedrag van je krediet dekt. In ruil betaal je een eenmalige premie volgens de omvang en looptijd van de waarborg.
Cofinancing - PMV
With Cofinancing for young innovative start-ups, PMV wants to make it easier for them to find funding when they have already been able to attract one or more investors or business angels at an early stage and when PMV believes in the team and chances of success of the project.
[StevePizza] - HMV - Say So - HMV Mania
2023年10月25日 · [StevePizza] – HMV – Say So. HMV Maker: StevePizza The uncensored version of the HMV is availabl..
PMV_jaarverslag_2021.pdf by Vlaanderen-be - Issuu
2022年5月18日 · Bij PMV gaat het om een bedrag van 16.400.131 euro (vervallen hoofdsommen, interesten uit leningen, terug te vorderen belastingen) en bij PMV/z-Leningen over 25.921.065 euro (opgevraagd...
Home - Europe PMC
Europe PMC is the partner of PubMed Central (PMC), an ELIXIR core data resource, and the repository of choice for many international science Funders. What is Europe PMC?
Vlaams investeringsfonds PMV: ‘Wij maken de volgende argenx’
2025年1月30日 · Uit de jaarrekening van 2023 blijkt dat de Vlaamse overheid al ruim 1 miljard euro in PMV heeft geïnjecteerd sinds het ontstaan van het fonds in 1995. Met een rendement van gemiddeld “enkele...
The Ultimate Premium PMV Community | Vovanova
Vova creates the most unique and best PMVs on the web. Nothing else compares. Enjoy all VOVANOVA1’s PMV content in the best quality possible. Get exclusive access to the VOVASMASH series, featuring unique, long-form edits ranging from 10 to 15+ minutes. These releases are available only to our members.
Equity investments - PMV
Venture capital tailored to your business. With a long-term horizon. Financing, but also know-how and expertise! Always a minority shareholder, with an extensive network of co-investors. Up to 20 million euro. All industries with innovative technologies and business models, with an experienced management team and a strong business plan.
World PMV Games - PMV Wiki
The World PMV Games is an annual PMV competition that has taken place in some form every year since 2015. Over the years, hundreds of PMVs have been created for the event which have been enjoyed by thousands of fans.
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