mythical creatures - What is the earliest known dragon myth ...
"There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and …
When were European and Asian dragons first associated?
2016年4月13日 · But all dragon myths probably have a common origin deep in humanity's past: A deep instinctual fear of snakes. It appears that primates are hardwired to detect snakes as one …
Dragons and serpents in Norse and Indo-European mythology
2020年3月31日 · If the Norse serpents are part of the deliberation here, even Oðinn is a dragon of sorts, as he turns into Bólwork, in order to get hold of the entheogenic compound brew, …
Why do some Asian dragons have fur (or hair)?
2015年7月28日 · These traditional descriptions of dragons also gives us some insight into why the Chinese version has hair. Whereas the European dragon has a strong reptilian quality, their …
Newest 'dragons' Questions - Mythology & Folklore Stack Exchange
2024年12月17日 · The myth of dragons can be found in many different traditions, with the major two being the European dragon and the Chinese dragon. "There are two distinct cultural …
How large were Norse dragons? - Mythology & Folklore Stack …
Perhaps fifty foot long. I can actually only think of one other real dragon in "proper" mythology: Nidhögg, which is clearly a cosmological beast and should really not be used as a measure, …
Where does the idea that dragons hoard gold come from?
2018年3月9日 · Ares assigned a dragon to protect his sacred spring near Thebes (look up the myths of Cadmus). However, if you are looking for a dragon protecting gold specifically, then I …
european folklore - Do dragons marry human women?
2023年3月15日 · I found a collection of 3 love stories from medieval European folklore about dragons disguising themselves as handsome men to seduce beautiful women, usually a …
Is there a common theme of dragon meat being toxic?
2017年12月13日 · Offhand, I can't think of Chinese tales of dragon flesh being consumed, although there is a famous folktale of a dragon trapped in carp form, who is almost eaten--a …
Where Did the Legends of Dragons Come From? [duplicate]
2020年11月25日 · There are tons of tales of dragons. But where did they come from? What inspired people to tell of deadly scaly beasts? Especially since the tales of dragons original …