Welcome to Faculty of Technology | Faculty of Technology
Our university is a remarkable place. The evolution of knowledge and skills through technology is more rapid than ever before. But as talented as our faculty and staff are, we realize that students will play the largest role in their carrier into an engaged global citizen.
About Faculty of Technology | Faculty of Technology
2024年2月18日 · Faculty of Technology (FOT) is the youngest faculty at the Eastern University, Sri Lanka (EUSL). FOT has three departments at present namely, Department of Bio-System Technology (DBST), Department of Multi-Disciplinary Studies (DMDS) and Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT).
Dean's Office | Faculty of Technology
Prof. T. Mathiventhan Ph.D (EUSL), M.Sc (Norway), B.Sc - Hons (EUSL), M.I.Biol (Sri Lanka) Dean Email: [email protected]
e-Learning Management System, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
© Centrer for Information & Communication Technology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka | Designed By: System Analyst, CICT/EUSL
Faculty at a Glance - Eastern University, Sri Lanka
The Faculty of Technology at Eastern University, Sri Lanka (EUSL) is a hub of innovative research and findings. The faculty offers a wide range of disciplines that fall under the degree name BBST in Agricultural Technology and Entrepreneurship.
Home | Eastern University Sri Lanka
The Eastern University, Sri Lanka, was established on the 01st of October 1986 by a University Order dated 26th September 1986 issued under Section 2 of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978.
Academic Staff | Eastern University Sri Lanka
Mrs. Vassanthini Reshanth Lecturer (Probationary) B.Sc in Agriculture (EUSL) Masters in Crop Protection and Plant Biotechnology, University of Kelaniya Phone: +94 776 482 543 Email: [email protected]
Faculty of Technology – University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
Faculty of Technology, as the leading technology faculty in Sri Lanka, is serving the nation by providing higher education opportunities for the prospective undergraduates who enroll to the Sri Lankan university system through the GCE Advanced Level Technology stream. THE FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY IS COMPRISED OF FIVE MAJOR DEPARTMENTS.
Message from the Dean | Faculty of Technology
2024年2月18日 · I invite you to consider choosing your programme of interest from our Faculty of Technology. Together, we contribute to the advancement of science and technology in this challenging and innovative world. Prof. T. Mathiventhan Dean Faculty of Technology Eastern University, Sri Lanka (EUSL) [email protected]
Eastern University LMS - Gazette.lk
What is LMS? This provides self learning environment to university internal and external undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, Diploma courses and Certificate courses. …