Eutylone (N-Ethylbutylone) Trip Report & Summary of 3 Different …
2021年8月25日 · I’ve used Eutylone (N-Ethylbutylone) 3 different times now. I thought I’d post my most recent experience. Overall I’d rate it as quite lack-lustre, even mildly unpleasant.
Stimulants - Eutylone? | Bluelight.org
2020年1月31日 · So I unexpectedly received a package from China today containing what should be Eutylone, but upon testing it with reagent tests bought from a uk site cited on reddit/reagenttesting and testing it rock by rock, which didn't show the same results depending on the color of the rock. It isn't...
RCs - IV 100mg 3-CMC + 75mg Eutylone = Paradise
2018年10月27日 · So Eutylone IV doesn't really have a flash, it moreso grows on you and slowly becomes a good roll. 3-CMC is quite caustic on the veins (burns) so I won't IV too much of this one, but it's better than Eutylone if I had to compare the two.
RCs - eutylone | Bluelight.org
2012年7月25日 · Eutylone is a potential designer drug with structural features shared by cathinones, amphetamines, and pyrovalerone. These compounds typically have stimulatory or entactogenic psychotropic effects.
ARTICLE | One-third of all MDMA tested at festivals in NZ was …
2021年7月15日 · One-third of all MDMA tested at events over the past year was actually eutylone, commonly known as bath salts. KnowYourStuffNZ, which runs free drug checking services at festivals and events, says eutylone is a stimulant that's "much more dangerous" than MDMA and has caused severe and adverse reactions.
RCs - Dipentylone (βk-DMBDP) | Bluelight.org
2014年6月24日 · From a recent EU warning: 1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-(dimethylamino)pentan-1-one (dipentylone) is a ring-substituted synthetic cathinone, which is structurally related to pentylone, and a higher homologue of dimethylone (or bk-MDDMA) and dibutylone (bk-MMBDB). This substance was detected in a...
RCs - EU36/EU38/DC2 stimulants | Bluelight.org
2021年6月18日 · I would suggest taking that with a truckload of salt, no one would sell lisdexamphetamine, its a prescription medication, Vyvanse, and eu38, i can be almost entirely certain, is eutylone. I got 5 grams the other day, and it tastes, smells, drips, feels, and basically, HAS to be eutylone. Had I purchased it as "eutylone" from any vendor, I would have no doubts at all, eu36 is very likely same ...
Stimulants - The Small & (probably) worthless Cyputylone …
2021年9月11日 · I recently acquired some with almost the same description, when, the vendor I was ordering Eutylone from ran out and said cyputylone was all he had left. It's a little less of a serotonin roll, and a little more of a speedy rush than eutylone. It's pretty forgiving too, like hardly any comedown or hangover to it. I've been using pretty small doses of it though, like 100mg usually insuflated ...
3-MMC vs 4-MMC How do they measure up? | Bluelight.org
2021年4月20日 · Anyone out there with experience of both who can illuminate the differences for those of us who are still in the dark about 3-MMC. Does 3-mmc stack up? For me 4-mmc was hard to beat. I just encountered 3-mmc on a site and really want to order! If it's like 4-MMC 1 gram won't be enough. I might...
RCs - European Synth NEP Quality | Bluelight.org
2022年10月17日 · China doesn't produce that much NEP anymore, and from my experience the quality is meh. They've turned to 4-FPD, 3-cl,4-f-apvp and the likes lately, which are of greater quality as it's the big labs producing. But they do still ship out eutylone, which is a mystery to me. I've gotten some nice quality, along with crystal powder HEP a few months back (almost like sugar) which was to my surprise ...