Eva - Nightwish - YouTube
Eva by Nightwish, an absolutely amazing song. The first song to be revealed since the beginning of the new Nightwish era.
EVA By Davis D (Official Video) - YouTube
The Official Music Video for Davis D's "EVA" - Out Now! #EVA #DavisDEVA is from his second Album coming soon Directed by BAGENZI BERNARD, Audio produced b...
「残酷な天使のテーゼ」MUSIC VIDEO(HDver.)/Zankoku na …
現在に至るまでハイセールスが続き、 カラオケでも歌い継がれる楽曲である主題歌の『残酷な天使のテーゼ』(歌:高橋洋子)及びTVシリーズ後に公開された映画「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 劇場版 シト新生」の主題歌である『魂のルフラン』(歌:高橋洋子)の2曲及びそのインストを1枚のマキシシングルに収めて発売!...
Eva (Nightwish song) - Wikipedia
"Eva" was the first Nightwish single featuring Anette Olzon (pictured). The song is about a young girl of pure innocence, called Eva, who has been treated wrongly in her life, and her escape from her home as she runs away alone for a better future, dreaming of what will come.
6:30 winter morn Snow keeps falling, silent dawn A rose by any other name Eva leaves her Swanbrook home A kindest heart which always made Me ashamed of my own She walks alone but not without her name Eva flies away Dreams the world far away In this cruel children’s game There’s no friend to call her name Eva sails away Dreams the world far ...
Nightwish - Eva Lyrics & Meanings | SongMeanings
Eva Lyrics & Meanings: 6:30 winter morn / Snow keeps falling, silent dawn / A rose by any other name / Eva leaves her Swanbrook home / A kindest heart which always made / Me ashamed of my own / She walks alone but not without her name / / Eva flies away / Dreams the world far away / In this cruel children's game / There's no friend to call her ...
Nightwish – Eva Lyrics - Genius
“Eva” is the sixth track, and first single from Nightwish’s sixth album, Dark Passion Play. It is about a young girl who runs away from home. Tuomas states that the ambiguity of the song’s...
Vintage - Ева (Eva) (English translation #2) - Lyrics Translate
Vintage - Ева (Eva) lyrics (Russian) + English translation: Tears are salt and then water / Under an escort where the time leads us? / Two loves have pa
Винтаж (Vintage) – Ева (Eva) Lyrics - Genius
Ева (Eva) Lyrics: Слёзы — это соль, а потом вода / Под конвоем время ведёт куда? / Две любви прошли и где-то стороной / И не хочешь третьей любви такой, эй / Lonely, lonely / Lonely, lonely /...
Orgy - Eva Lyrics & Meanings | SongMeanings
Eva Lyrics & Meanings: You know I've started to grow since you've been away / Lately, it's scarier not knowing what's become of you / Are you proud of me now, I can't tell / I'm not as fearless as you / Still I pretend that you're still standing by / To show me wrong from right / Never got a chance to say goodbye...