EVICTO ® Selamectin Topical Solution - Virbac
EVICTO ® Selamectin Topical Solution. EVICTO Topical Solution contains selamectin for affordable monthly parasite protection for puppies, kittens starting at 6 weeks of age, dogs and cats.
EVICTO ® spot-on for cats and dogs - Virbac
Provides month-long protection for cats and dogs, with no loss of efficacy swimming or bathing two hours after treatment. Kills adult fleas, flea eggs and flea larvae (Ctenocephalides spp.) to control fleas in the environment, prevent flea infestations and control flea allergy dermatitis in cats.
Evicto® 免疥心 ∣ 居家貓貓 聰明預防 心絲蟲、跳蚤、耳疥蟲、腸道 …
心絲蟲是怎麼傳播的? 心絲蟲會對貓造成什麼影響? 國際最新貓疫苗施打計畫比較; 犬貓慢性腎病之營養控管五大重點
Evicto - Virbac
Tratamento e prevenção de infestações de pulgas causadas por Ctenocephalides spp. durante um mês após uma aplicação única. Isto em resultado da atividade adulticida,larvicida e ovicida do medicamento. O medicamento veterinário é ovicida durante três semanas após a administração.
Evicto® • Megavet
Prevention of heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis with monthly administration. heartworm infections before beginning medication with the product. It is also recommended. heartworm prevention strategy, even when the product has been administered monthly. This. product is not effective against adult D. immitis.
Evicto offers flea and worm protection for up to 1 month. This spot-on treatment is easy to apply to your dog's skin and contains the proven and trusted active ingredient, selamectin. Evicto is also effective against mites, lice and prevents heartworm disease.
Evicto - European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Evicto : EPAR - Procedural steps taken and scientific information after authorisation
EVICTO - Virbac
Evicto® là sản phẩm dạng nhỏ gáy cho chó và mèo với tác dụng phòng ngừa và điều trị hiệu quả đối với các nội & ngoại ký sinh trùng (xem phần Chỉ định). Một tuýp mỗi tháng sẽ giúp thú cưng đẩy lui những ký sinh trùng cũng như bảo vệ chúng ta khỏi các mầm bệnh có khả năng truyền lây từ chó, mèo sang người.
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Evicto - Virbac
EvictoTM selamectin topical solution Veterinary Use Only Topical Parasiticide for Dogs and Cats ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Selamectin is a semi-synthetic compound of the avermectin class. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Evicto topical solution is available as a colourless to yellow, ready to use solution in single dose tubes for topical (dermal) treatment of
EVICTO® 15 mg Solution pour spot on pour chats et chiens ≤ 2,5 kg
En réduisant la quantité de puces, le traitement mensuel de la femelle gestante et allaitante aide à prévenir l’infestation des chiots et des chatons de la portée par les puces jusqu’à l’âge de 7 semaines.