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    Boskov - Evil Con Carne Wiki

    • In "Boskov's Day Out", it was remembered that before joining Evil Con Carne, Boskov was a circus bear and the star attraction in a Russian circus and was owned by an animal trainer known as Vladimir. E… See more


    Boskov is a fat large purple bear who walks upright and wears a black bow tie and two white cuffs with black cufflinks around his wrists. He has a very large light purple muzzle with an even bigger black nose. His eyes are s… See more


    He is an overly stupid bear. He has shown that he cares about Hector, and has saved Hector's life before. However, when mistreated by General Skarr, who was training him to be evil, he turned on Hector and Skarr a… See more


    Boskov is able to be taught various tricks, such as riding a unicycle across a tightrope. Being a bear he can be quite dangerous to ordinary humans, having strong teeth and claws strong enough to tear off arms, however h… See more