The Sims 4 Cottage Living: All About Chickens - Sims Community
2021年7月21日 · Evil Chickens are more likely to lay Obsidian Eggs (if they are a hen and not a rooster). You can also ask them for Evil Chicken Help. While Evil Chicken Help is active, your …
The Sims 4: Cottage Living - How To Get An Evil Chicken
2024年10月3日 · An evil chicken is a specially bred farmyard companion which won't tolerate threats to your lot. It will ward off foxes, vampires, and other intruders, including Grim. While …
I want my evil chickens and I don’t know how to get them
2021年7月27日 · You can use a Spicy Treat on basic chickens to have them lay Obsidian Eggs. If they're hatchable, they'll pop out Evil Chickens. As others have mentioned, there is the …
[Cottage Living] Guide To Animal Treats And Their Effects
2023年1月14日 · - Chickens: when given to hens or roosters, they will transform into an Evil Chicken. Evil Hens always lay Obsidian Eggs (which have a chance to be hatchable) and, by …
The Sims 4: Everything You Need to Know About Chickens
2021年8月7日 · Evil Chickens . In addition to the incredible golden chicken that can help you, there is an evil chicken that can actually kill your sims. To get yourself an evil chicken you …
Chicken (The Sims 4) | The Sims Wiki | Fandom
Evil Hens that are Happy will always lay an Obsidian Egg. Hatchable Obsidian Eggs can hatch an Evil Chicken. Using an Obsidian Egg to prepare Eggs and Toast, Scrambled Eggs, or an …
2021年11月21日 · In this video I give a very detailed way on how to get an evil chicken in the Cottage Living Expansion Pack ...
Sims 4 Cottage Living cheats to get evil chickens and more
2023年6月28日 · For hatchable eggs that will need to be tended to by a hen, use the following cheat. Wild birds have some exclusive cheats in Sims 4 Cottage Living, and since befriending …
Sims 4 Cottage Living: The ultimate guide about chickens - Best …
Meet Charles, the Evil Chicken. If you give your chickens a Midnight Treat, they’ll turn into Evil Chickens. If you get an Obsidian egg, that egg can hatch an evil chick. By the way, if your …
A chicken's day in the life : r/Sims4 - Reddit
2023年2月22日 · How do you get evil chickens that fight the grim reaper??? Either by giving a chicken or rooster a Midnight treat or by hatching an Obsidian egg. Also important to know is …