The Evil Versions of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
2025年3月12日 · The Evil ENTJ: The Chessmaster of Doom. Evil ENTJs are what happens when unchecked ambition meets a complete disregard for human decency. They have a vision, and it will happen—no matter how many people they have to bulldoze, manipulate, or …
What makes INTJs stereotypically evil? : r/mbti - Reddit
INTJs make it so that their stereotypical self is highly analytical and predicting, kind of like evil masterminds. So I guess they could be the main villain in a movie or something. And plus, their silent nature is unsettling and can stare you down with one look.
The Dark Side of the INTJ Personality Type - Psychology Junkie
2024年11月5日 · Explore the INTJ dark side: discover what triggers stress, immaturity, looping, and find practical tips to reconnect with balance, creativity, and purpose.
The Dark Side of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
2025年2月24日 · An unhealthy INTJ can become cold, dismissive, and rigid—so locked into their vision of how things should be that they ignore any facts (or feelings) that contradict it. Instead of their usual curiosity, they default to arrogance, assuming they already know the answer before they’ve fully examined the problem.
Why Are INTJs Dangerous? - The Strategic Introvert
2021年3月22日 · INTJs are dangerous because they live quietly within a set moral imperative that is enforced and protected. Their constitution has been vetted through extensive research and anecdotal experiences. Writer Andrew Ward said, What may drive others crazy is one of an INTJs strongest characteristics.
A “Villainous” Personality: The INTJ | Authentically Aurora
2015年7月27日 · Although they may wear different masks, capes, motivations and agendas, some of the best loved and most feared villains of fiction all share the same dark, twisted core: the INTJ personality type. [Imagine dramatic "dun-dun-dun" sound effect here] Magneto, Voldemort, Moriarty, Hannibal Lechter, Tywin Lannister, Emperor Palpatine, and ...
Are INTJs Manipulative And Evil? – Personality Insight
Are INTJs Evil? No. INTJs are not evil. In fact, no personality type is inherently evil. The oxford dictionary describes evil as “profoundly immoral and wicked.” So, while evil or dark types exist within every personality type, being an INTJ does not make you an evil person. Why Are INTJs Portrayed As Villains?
Example of evil INTJ's? : r/intj - Reddit
2020年9月14日 · Professor Moriarty in Doyle's book is an evil INTJ. Cold, cunning and calculating. It's hard to spot villainous INTJ in real life though since we are rare creatures who prefer to operate incognito.
INTJs, what’s the most evil thing you’ve ever done? : r/intj - Reddit
2022年6月17日 · INTJs, what’s the most evil thing you’ve ever done? Most intj characters in movies, tv and books have a dark side and, even though I don’t see myself as an evil person, I know I might be capable of doing certain things and I realized there are some (very few) things I’ve done that can be considered “evil”,bad, to my advantage or mischievous.
INTJ Dark Side: 6 Negative Personality Traits They Try To Hide - YourTango
2023年4月26日 · The best INTJ personality traits include independence, self-confidence, and self-sufficiency — but as with all types, the INTJ has negative traits as well.