One of these summary forms is needed for each 4-H breeding ewe. It contains permanent identifcation, production, and health records. This form may help you complete your 4-H …
2024年11月1日 · • What are some qualities (either positive or negative) about your ewe lambs’ conformation and/or performance traits? What traits does she excel in? What would you like to …
criteria are outlined on the 4-H Fleece Exhibit Score Card (40-610) available at the county Extension office or on the State 4-H website at: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/4h/state- …
Ewe Production Record (4H1344) - MSU Extension
2015年3月31日 · This interactive form is designed to help 4-H'ers document an individual ewe’s wool and lamb production.
4-H Sheep Project - Purdue University
2021年3月10日 · 4-H Sheep Project. Sheep Exhibit Rules. A member may enroll up to 10 market lambs (ewes or wethers) and may show as many as 3. A member may enroll up to 10 …
Study the body and skeleton structures of the whether (castrated male sheep) or ewe. Research the digestive, respiratory, organ, and endocrine systems of sheep. Learn meat cuts, grading …
ALTERNATE METHOD OF MAKING ADJUSTMENTS FOR SEX, AGE OF EWE AND TYPE OF BIRTH Data Corrections Since growth rate of lambs is so variable by area, multiplicative rather …
The educational 4-H sheep program and related activities (such as workshops and tours) provide youth with a fun and hands-on learning experience which develops both sheep subject skills …
4-H sheep project - Extension at the University of Minnesota
Learn to raise and show purebred or crossbred yearling ewes, aged ewes or market lambs. What can you do? In the sheep project, you can learn about: You may be able to join your county 4 …
Record Books - OSU Extension Service
4-H’ers keep records and record books because they teach essential life and career skills, help record growth and learning over time, and prepare 4-H'ers for successful job, college, and …
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