EWW | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Get a quick, free translation! EWW meaning: 1. an expression of disgust (= disapproval and dislike): 2. an expression of disgust…. Learn more.
Ewww - definition of Ewww by The Free Dictionary
To excite nausea or loathing in; sicken. 2. To offend the taste or moral sense of; repel. n. Profound dislike or annoyance caused by something sickening or offensive. [Late Old French desgouster, to lose one's appetite : des-, dis- + gouster, to eat, taste (from Latin gustāre; see geus- in Indo-European roots).]
etymology - Eww! Has it crossed the pond yet? - English Language ...
I hear eww (sometimes spelt as ew) fairly regularly on American sitcoms, usually uttered by a scatterbrained beautiful blonde girl when she sees or hears something disgusting. I don't recall it ever being said when I was a child living in London, and the word gross was virtually unknown.
expressions - How to spell 'ewww' as in 'ewww ahhh' - English …
"Ewww" is just an elongated form of "ew": Expression of disgust or nausea. “Ew! There’s a fly in my soup.” As for pronunciation, there is a subtle difference between the two. "Ooo" and "oooh" are pronounced like the vowel sound in "tool" or "fool". "Eww" sounds more like the vowel sound in "cute" with has an "ee+oo" diphthong.
eww exclamation - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
Definition of eww exclamation in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
EWW | What Does EWW Mean? - Cyber Definitions
EWW is an exclamation of disgust. More Detail... The word eww (pronounced "err" or "egh") is an interjection used as an exclamation of disgust. It is synonymous with the word "gross." For example: Tom: After mating, the female spider eats the male. Harriet: EWW! Carly: I would date him if he had a shower and a shave. Gail: EWW!
"ewww and smh"是什么意思? -关于英语 (英国)(英文) | HiNative
"ewww" is the sound someone makes, when they dislike something or are disgusted by it. "smh" means "shake my head". Examples: "Ewww! I hate broccoli!" "Why is he doing that? It makes no sense, smh..." 嗯... (1) 嗯... (4) [来自HiNative]Hi! 正在学习外语的你. 你知道如何提升自己的外语能力吗 只需写下外语文章并让母语使用者更正! 使用HiNative,免费让母语使用者帮你订正文章 ️ . tb or smh 是什么意思? ms. y miss 是什么意思?
EWW在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 - Cambridge Dictionary
EWW的意思、解释及翻译:1. an expression of disgust (= disapproval and dislike): 2. an expression of disgust…。 了解更多。
What does eww mean? eww Definition. Meaning of eww ...
This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of eww is. The slang word / phrase / acronym eww means... . Online Slang Dictionary. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations.
Ewww 这个在 中文 (简体) 里怎么说? - HiNative
When will you use “Ewww”? Is it something like “Ewww, there is a fly in my soup. Disgusting!” If so, you can say "咦~(Ewww),我的汤里有只苍蝇,好恶心" I think "咦" is used more frequent by female speakers than male. But i dont hear people use this too much.