expressions - How to spell 'ewww' as in 'ewww ahhh' - English …
Ewwww! Gross! Missspelllings. Hy-phens. (just to point out that there are several different possible meanings to the spelling "EWW.."; it's often a term of disgust. You have to hear it to tell which meaning is intended; normal English spelling is bad enough, but making up eye dialect impressionistic spellings for emotional intonations is even less likely to produce understanding.)
etymology - Eww! Has it crossed the pond yet? - English Language ...
Origin 1970s: imitative. Has ew/eww crossed the Atlantic and become common parlance in old Blighty i.e. the UK? If it has, when did it more or less occur? And are the expressions ugh and yuck still popular with the young in both the US and the UK? If not, which exclamation of disgust is gaining territory? If anyone is still confused about which sound I'm referring to, click on the …
Onomatopoeia for disgust - English Language & Usage Stack …
2017年2月22日 · Are there any English onomatopoeias for disgust / loathe? What exclamations are commonly used to express repulsion? Something that could be used like: (___) dog shit. I loathe it! (some sound h...
What's it called when someone thinks something's cute?
2017年1月24日 · A recent coinage that might work for you is squee. Mainstream dictionaries mostly link this to a squealing sound but it's often used figuratively for the feeling inspired when something is so cute and/or so romantic.
expressions - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2018年6月30日 · Very often, when a person has been annoyed by someone, and angrily asks "What's wrong with you?", the question is (a) a rebuke (b) rhetorical (an answer is not required). The question is not an enquiry about a person's health or wellbeing.
"ou" versus "o" in spelling words like "color"/"colour"
Often, I have to decide whichever is better in mail, forums, letters. For instance: colour vs color flavour vs flavor behaviour vs behavior humour vs humor rumour vs rumor honour vs honor armour vs
Specific word for "grown-up children"? [duplicate]
2014年3月5日 · Is there a specific word for adult offspring? If all of your "children" are now in their adulthood, is there a specific word to refer to them?