Exa 1 - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2024年10月23日 · The Exa-1 is a 35mm film SLR camera, manufactured by Ihagee Kamerawerk Steenbergen & Co, Dresden, former East Germany and produced between 1962-64. The Exa-1 has totally different body shape from its precursor Exa series.
Exa (original) - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2023年4月10日 · The Exa is a 35mm SLR made in Dresden, Germany by Ihagee. It was introduced in 1951, and began a long-running series of Exa models, which ran alongside the venerable Exakta line.
紧凑型单反先驱——EXA - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
大体而言,Exa可以分成三条产品线: 1. Exa(Original)-Exa I:可更换取景器,反光镜被作为快门的一部分,最高速度限制在1/150。1952-1970年代产。 2. ExaII/Exa 500:不可更换取景器,常规垂直焦平面快门。1959-1977左右生产。
Ihagee Exa 1c (1985) - mike eckman dot com
2019年5月28日 · The Exa 1c is the last remnant in the long and successful lineage of the Ihagee Exakta. Evolved from the original 1950 Exa, the 1c uses the same interchangeable viewfinders, shares a vaguely similar body shape, and retained the …
Exakta Exa Original - CameraQuest
The Original Exa. Exakta's little brother. The Exa pioneered the low cost SLR companion to the full featured SLR -- something still played out today with the likes of the Nikon N60 and F5, or Canon Rebel and EOS 1n. The inexpensive little Exa of 1952 afforded many beginning photogs an entry into the world of SLR photography.
Exa 1a - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2022年12月24日 · The EXA 1a is a mechanical SLR camera body with collapsible top-view finder. It's made for lenses with the EXA-bayonet fitting, among them many of the famous old Meyer-Optik Görlitz lenses. One of the standard lenses made for …
爱克山泰EXA系列相机的发展及主要特点介绍 - 百度文库
EXA 1c作为EXA系列的最后一款机器,采用了塑料材质来 制作机身的上盖和底盖,机身整体都是黑色(图16),重量是 E X A系列里最轻的一款。 这一方面可能是出于成本考虑,另一 方面也是工程塑料的发展使得其坚固程度大大提高。 EXA 1c 除了机身整体是黑色外,其余样式与EXA Ⅰa、EXA 1b基本相 同(图17),如最高快门、卷片扳手样式、没有英文I h a g e e Dresden字样、背面的饰皮上印有MADE IN G.D.R(东德制 造)字样等等,就连底部除了是黑色塑料之外 …
早期的单反相机,爱克山泰EXAKTA 精华 - 蜂鸟摄影论坛
2020年5月4日 · exa是简化版,功能简单,体积小,但是有一个特别的地方,它的快门是翻斗式的,最高快门速度为1/150秒。 在当时销售量很大,各个镜头生产厂家都为它们生产镜头,包括德国的蔡司,梅耶,施耐德,施坦海尔等著名镜头大厂。
爱克山泰EXA系列相机的发展及主要特点介绍 - 豆丁网
exa是简化系列里的第一个型号,也被称为“exa0型或exa原型机”,它从 1952年一直持续生产到1961年,期间衍生出了多个不同的版本,这些版本比 较大的区别在于铭牌的位置,同VAREX系列一样,此系列机器正面铭牌有分
Ihagee Exa Camera Review - Casual Photophile
2022年7月13日 · There were three main classes of Exa cameras: the original Exa (1951–62); its successor, the Exa I (1962–87); and a separate, concurrent line, the Exa II/Exa 500 (1960–69). The nameplate on the camera is the easiest way to identify which class it belongs to.