ExAC - Database Commons - National Genomics Data Center
The Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC) is a coalition of investigators seeking to aggregate and harmonize exome sequencing data from a variety of large-scale sequencing projects, and …
ExAC browser
ExAC data is available in the gnomAD browser or for download. View this page in the gnomAD browser. You will be automatically redirected in 25 seconds.
【数据库-7】ExAC数据库 - 简书
2018年11月23日 · ExAC数据库的全称是(the Exome Aggregation Consortium,外显子组整合数据库),该数据库旨在汇总和协调各种大规模测序项目的外显子组测序数据,并为更广泛的科学界提供摘要数据。 所有数据均基于 GRCh37 / hg19。 2016年8月,Nature刊登了一篇ARTICLE,主要重点就是哈佛-麻省理工Broad研究所的科学家公布了60706名不同种族个体的外显子序列。 整合了多个研究项目的外显子集合协作组(ExAC)分析了来自不同祖先的共60706位个人的高质量 …
Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC) | Avillach Lab
The ExAC Browser queries genomic information on over 60,000 individuals who were sequenced through a variety of disease-specific and population genetic studies. Our ExAC RESTful API enables a user to integrate ExAC services into their own tools, querying the variant information and returning the data in an easy to use JSON format.
The Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) is a resource developed by an international coalition of investigators, with the goal of aggregating and harmonizing both exome and genome sequencing data from a wide variety of large-scale sequencing projects, and making summary data available for the wider scientific community.
ExAC (Exome Aggregation Consortium)|基因组学数据集|遗传学数 …
2024年10月26日 · ExAC(Exome Aggregation Consortium)数据集是由多个研究机构合作创建的,旨在通过整合来自不同群体的外显子测序数据,提供一个全面的人类基因变异资源。 该数据集的创建始于2014年,主要研究人员包括哈佛大学和麻省理工学院的Broad研究所的科学家。 ExAC的核心研究问题在于识别和分析人类基因组中的罕见变异,这对于理解遗传疾病的分子基础具有重要意义。 该数据集的发布极大地推动了遗传学和基因组学领域的发展,为研究人员提供了宝贵 …
The ExAC browser: displaying reference data information from …
2017年1月4日 · We demonstrate its use for exome sequence data from 60 706 individuals in the Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC). The ExAC browser provides gene- and transcript-centric displays of variation, a critical view for clinical applications.
人群频率 | gnomAD数据库简介 (一) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
外显子组聚合联盟 (Exome Aggregation Consortium, ExAC)是gnomAD的前身(第一个发布版),包含了大量自有的人类外显子组数据。 gnomAD项目由Heidi Rehm和Mark Daly作为联合理事(co-directors)共同监督,指导委员会成员包括Daniel MacArthur(实验室主页: macarthurlab.org/,会发布很多有关gnomAD的信息), Benjamin Neale, Michael Talkowski, Anne O'Donnell-Luria, Konrad Karczewski, Grace Tiao, Matthew Solomonson和Samantha Baxter。
It is a pencil-and-paper exam. Registration for the ExAC will take place from June 2 to July 11, 2025, at noon local time. You must register through the licensing authority in your province or territory. A new edition of the ExAC Preparation Guide is published every year. You must read it carefully before the examination session.
Exacq Technologies | IP Video Surveillance Solutions for Windows, …
Exacq Technologies manufacturers enterprise IP and Hybrid video surveillance software and systems. Open architecture, supports Windows, Linux, Mac, browsers, iPhone, Blackberry. exacqVision VMS software merges analog CCTV cameras and IP megapixel cameras. From one camera to hundreds, easy to create and manage multi location installations.
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