EXACLEAR™: VPS Bite Registration Material | GC America
EXACLEAR™ is an innovative, clear bite registration material. While using G-ænial™ Bond, G-ænial™ Universal Flo and EXACLEAR™ together, a clinician may provide a restoration similar to veneers, but less obtrusive to the natural tooth structure.
EXACLEAR™ - GC SouthEast Asia
EXACLEAR™ is an innovative, clear vinyl polysiloxane material that fulfils the needs of demanding aesthetic cases and facilitates consistent results. Its amazing transparency offers total visual control making it ideal for creating outstanding aesthetic results in …
EXACLEAR is an innovative, clear silicone material made to fulfil the demands for high aesthetics while facilitating the way to great results. Its amazing transparency makes it particularly effective in complex clinical situations like wear cases, complex …
EXACLEAR - gctaiwan.com.tw
擠出或混合本產品材料時,應注意避免與以下物質混合或接觸,這些物質可能會延遲或防止凝固:縮合矽膠印模材料的催化劑(catalyst for condensation silicone impression materials)、多硫化物印模材料(polysulfide impression material)、丁香酚材料(eugenol material)、硫(Sulfur)、乳膠 (latex)、油(oil)、丙烯酸酯(acrylates)、甘油(glycerol)以及噴霧型或軟膏型的局部表面麻醉劑 (例如:利多卡因(lidocaine))。 透明。 建議儲存在室溫並避免陽光直射(15-25℃),以保持最佳性能 …
EXACLEAR™ - GC Latinamerica
2021年2月11日 · Vinil Polixiloxano claro para toma de mordida EXACLEAR es un material innovador de color claro, el cual puede ser utilizado conjuntamente en tecnicas donde se está utilizando G-aenial Bond y G-aenial Universal Flo. Los clinicos pueden proveer restauraciones similares a Veneer, pero más naturales y menos invasivas.
EXACLEAR - gclatinamerica.com
2021年2月11日 · Vinil Polixiloxano de color Claro, para registro de mordida EXACLEAR es innovador. Cuando se usa junto con G-aenial Universal Flo, el clínico puede proveer restauraciones similares a las veneers, ayudando al clínico a obtener restauraciones con colores naturales del diente.
ICG070 : EXACLEAR Cartridges 2 x 51g - DD
EXACLEAR is an innovative, clear silicone material made to fulfil the demands for high aesthetics while facilitating the way to great results. Its amazing transparency makes it particularly effective in complex clinical situations like wear cases, complex …
EXACLEAR - 2 x 51g Cartridges - Dental Sky Uk
EXACLEAR is an innovative, clear silicone material made to fulfil the demands for high aesthetics while facilitating the way to great results. Its amazing transparency makes it particularly effective in complex clinical situations like wear cases, complex …
Discover the injection moulding technique EXACLEAR, used together with an injectable composite such as G-ænial® Universal Injectable, enables clinicians to create restorations which are as aesthetic as indirect veneers, but quicker, more afford.
Exaclear Bite Registration is an innovative, clear Bite Registration Material. While using G-ænial™ Bond, G-ænial™ Universal Flo and Exaclear Bite Registration together, a clinician may provide a restoration similar to veneers, but less obtrusive to the natural tooth structure.
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