Exakta - Wikipedia
The Exakta (sometimes Exacta) was a camera produced by the Ihagee Kamerawerk in Dresden, Germany, founded as the Industrie und Handels-Gesellschaft mbH, in 1912. The inspiration and design of both the VP Exakta and the Kine Exakta are the work of the Ihagee engineer Karl Nüchterlein (see Richard Hummel's Spiegelreflexkameras aus Dresden), who ...
Exakta - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2023年6月6日 · In 1930, the VP Exakta, taking 4×6.5cm exposures on 127 film, was the first camera designed by Karl Nüchterlein for the Ihagee company. He later developed a smaller model taking 35mm film , after the success of the first cameras for that film format, such as the Leica or Contax .
爱萨克塔相机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
爱萨克塔相机(英語: Exakta camera )是德国德累斯顿Ihagee相机厂在1912年出产的世界上最早的35毫米单反相机,发明人为德国工程师 卡爾·女希特來因 ( 德语 : Karl Nüchterlein ) 。
Exakta(爱克山泰)胶片相机大考 - 哔哩哔哩
Exakta RTL1000基于Praktica L、LTL和LLC系列,采用Exakta卡口安装,而不是42mm螺钉安装。 它有可互换的取景器头;其中一个提供TTL测光,但这是相当粗糙。 RTL1000缺乏IHagee的精致设计,被许多人认为不是真正的Exakta。
紧凑型单反先驱——EXA - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
后期版本(1965-77),胶片速度转盘变为印刷式,从一个小的窗口显示,根据不同的发售地,此外还有Elbaflex 175、Exakta 100、VX 100等名称,这些带有不同名称的EXA Ia数量都很稀少。
Ihagee Exakta--下 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1969年3月廉价版本的Exakta VX 500上市,相比VX 1000取消了慢速快门,最高快门速度降为了1/500.最早的版本方形logo标识为Exakta,前面板蚀刻VX500字样(数量稀少,未找到实物图)。
Ihagee Exakta--上 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
初见前面在《单反发轫》的文章里面提到了世界上第一台35mm胶片单反是Ihagee的Kine Exakta。这是一台金属外壳及固定式取景器的小相机(相对当时的相机而言),焦平面布帘快门,快门速度12-1/1000s及Z和B。内部集成…
As a leading global provider of dosing pumps and metering solutions for the industrial processes market, Exakta is perfectly aligned with SEKO Group’s key values of performance, quality and reliability.
wrotniak.net: Classic Exakta Cameras
2001年10月22日 · This section of wrotniak.net is devoted to classic 35-mm Exakta and Exa cameras, made by Ihagee in Dresden between 1936 and 1972. Exakta: a Personal Introduction — a brief introduction to the Exakta and Exa cameras
Exakta Kine and Varex Series - Camera-wiki.org
2024年7月16日 · The Exakta camera was one of the pioneers in creating the SLR as we know it today. The first use of the brand Exakta was on Ihagee cameras made for 127 rollfilm, now known to collectors as the VP Exakta. But historically, the most significant series is the one designed for 35mm film—originally cinema film—hence the German name "Kine Exakta."'