Microsoft Excel 3.x - WinWorld
Microsoft Excel 3.x. Excel, from Microsoft, is a powerful spreadsheet application for Mac, Windows, and OS/2. Excel was first released for the Mac. When it was ported to Windows 2.x, they started at version "2.0" to one up current Mac version. There was never a DOS version. Instead, DOS and 8-bit platforms used the older Microsoft Multiplan.
Microsoft Office 3.0 - Wikipedia
Omitting version 2 entirely on Windows, Microsoft released Office 3.0 on August 30, 1992. Its main components included Word 2.0c, Excel 4.0a, PowerPoint 3.0, and Mail, a network messaging client. Previously, these components were distributed separately for Windows, and it was with Microsoft Office that they were combined as a full office suite.
Microsoft Office 3.x - WinWorld
Microsoft Office is a bundle of Microsoft's productivity application. This includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and later Mail, Office Manager, and Outlook. The "1.x" versions of Microsoft Office were simply a marketing bundle of the standalone products sold together with no other packaging changes.
学习Excel必须要了解的Excel版本及功能差异 - 知乎
• Excel 2.0 (1987年),首个在Windows平台上发布的Excel版本。 • Excel 3.0 (1990年),引入了图表和插图功能的重大改进。 • Excel 4.0 (1992年),新增了宏语言功能(VBA)。 • Excel 5.0 (1993年),引入了多个新功能。
Microsoft Office 3.0 For Windows 3.1 : Microsoft : Free Download ...
2021年12月29日 · Microsoft Office 3.0 For Windows 3.1
Microsoft Excel 1.03, 1.04, 1.06, 1.5, 2.2a, 3.0a, 4.0, 5.0a
2014年4月14日 · Excel 2.2 features improved integration with other Microsoft applications. It supports RTF (rich text formatting), which is used by Word 4.0, and the QuickSwitch feature with Word is nothing short of astonishing.
Microsoft Office 3.0 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Microsoft Office 3.0 是 微软公司 为 Microsoft Windows 操作系统推出的首款 Microsoft Office 软件。 主要包含了Word 2.0c、Excel 4.0a、PowerPoint 3.0和一个网络信息客户端程序Mail。 在Microsoft Office 3.0推出之前,这几个组件都是单独销售,然后被组合成了一个完整的 办公套件。 之后被命名为" Office 92 "。 作为一个早期版本,Microsoft Office 3.0所使用的文件格式,例如Word使用的doc格式、Excel使用的xls格式以及PowerPoint使用的PPT格式仍可以在今天使用。
Tech Flashback: Microsoft Excel for Windows Version 3.0
2014年5月31日 · Microsoft Excel for Windows Version 3.0 would have been one of the biggest milestone releases for Microsoft, being the third version, which people could actually contemplate buying. In return, it was the beginning of the end for many competing productivity software options, and today, it’s hard to imagine a situation where Microsoft Office ...
Excel 3.0 for Windows : Clifford, Sarah Hutchinson : Free …
2024年2月23日 · Excel 3.0 for Windows by Clifford, Sarah Hutchinson. Publication date 1993 Topics Microsoft Excel (Computer file), Business -- Computer programs, Electronic spreadsheets Publisher Homewood, IL : Irwin Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English
Excel 3 - Tutorial Excel
La versión Excel 3.0 se lanzó en el año 1990, tanto para Windows como para Mac. Esta versión incluye la barra de herramientas y otras numerosas mejoras como la inclusión de macros, una funcionalidad para la resolución de ecuaciones y optimización de resultados.