word choice - "Exclusive" or "exclusively"? - English Language …
The quick answer is that “exclusive” on its own probably does not convey enough information to be understood clearly as an indication of an exclusive provisorship, so if you're set on this construction you’re probably better off using one of the “exclusively” options.
operators - What are XAND and XOR - Stack Overflow
2010年4月15日 · XOR is short for exclusive or. It is a logical, binary operator that requires that one of the two operands be true but not both. So these statements are true: TRUE XOR FALSE FALSE XOR TRUE And these statements are false: FALSE XOR FALSE TRUE XOR TRUE There really isn't such a thing as an"exclusive and" (or XAND) since in theory it would have the same exact requirements as XOR. There also isn't ...
What is the meaning of "exclusive" and "inclusive" when …
I see exclusive and inclusive when referring to number ranges. For example, this is a line from an algorithms book: The following function prints the powers of 2 from 1 through n (inclusive). What is meant by this? What makes a number range inclusive or exclusive?
Meaning of "exclusive+ to, of, in" in the given scenarios
Exclusive clubs try to project the idea that you want to be a member because their stuff is just so good. Products are sold as "exclusive to [shopname]" in an attempt to show they are good (even though that doesn't logically follow). Thus, exclusive has grown to include a meaning of excellence, rather than just its literal meaning.
What is the difference between Inclusive and Exclusive OR?
2016年11月4日 · EXCLUSIVE 'OR' : It is same as Inclusive OR, with the (only) EXCEPTION is while 'both' inputs are 'ON' then the output goes OFF, (NOT ON as in the Inclusive OR) and hence the name EXCLUSIVE 'OR'.
python - argparse mutual exclusive group - Stack Overflow
If you don't want subparsers, this can currently be done with mutually exclusive groups, but fair warning, it involves accessing private variables so use it at your own risk. The idea is you want -a to be mutually exclusive with -b and -c, but -b and -c don't want to be mutually exclusive with each other import argparse p = argparse ...
What does bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) mean? - Stack Overflow
2011年6月19日 · When you use the bitwise exclusive or operator, one interpretation of what the operator does is: for each bit in the first value, toggle the bit if the corresponding bit in the second value is set
operators - What is C# exclusive or `^` usage? - Stack Overflow
2016年3月18日 · A programming language's reference is always the best place to look for the definitions of operators. In this case, MSDN is the most appropriate definition for a C# operator. According to the documentation: Binary ^ operators are predefined for the integral types and bool. For integral types, ^ computes the bitwise exclusive-OR of its operands. For bool operands, ^ computes the logical ...
Explain the meaning of Span flags like SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE
Can someone clearly explain with examples what each of the span flags like SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE and SPAN_MARK_MARK mean and when to use what flags? I do not understand the official documentation when it says: Spans of type SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE do not expand to include text inserted at …
regex - Exclusive Or in Regular Expression - Stack Overflow
You haven't specified behaviour regarding content other than "foo" and "bar" or repetitions of one in the absence of the other. e.g., Should " foo d" or " barbar ian" match? Assuming that you want to match strings which contain only one instance of either "foo" or "bar", but not both and not multiple instances of the same one, without regard for anything else in the string (i.e., "food ...