What does exit 99 means? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
2019年1月6日 · Either way, exit exits the shell with a certain exit code, in this case, 99. You can find more information in help exit: exit: exit [n] Exit the shell. Exits the shell with a status of N. If N is omitted, the exit status is that of the last command executed.
Shell script exit codes - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
2022年8月19日 · Exit statuses fall between 0 and 255, though, as explained below, the shell may use values above 125 specially. I'm just curious if there are any kind of standard practices around it. linux
Difference between `exit;` and `exit - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
The second one is exit by default returns the exit status of the previous command, so stating $? is redundant, albeit signalling the intent. The third one is exec never returns under normal circumstances 1, so the exit call is not reached in the first place and is also redundant.
What is the min and max values of exit codes in Linux?
2018年1月22日 · The number passed to the _exit()/exit_group() system call (sometimes referred as the exit code to avoid the ambiguity with exit status which is also referring to an encoding of either the exit code or signal number and additional info depending on whether the process was killed or exited normally) is of type int, so on Unix-like systems like Linux, typically a 32bit integer with values from ...
audio - No sound after ubuntu upgrade to 20.04 - Unix & Linux …
2020年9月26日 · Option 2. After double-checking alsa force-reload is not a oneshot command wrapper for alsactl but instead it is responsible for the restart of the corresponding alsa service, which occurs in two steps, first stopping, then starting it again.
arch linux - How to read these journal entries after failed boot ...
Jan 22 01:38:10 hostname systemd-udevd[267]: controlC1: Process '/usr/bin/alsactl restore 1' failed with exit code 99. For some reason, the attempts to restore sound card volume settings failed for both the motherboard's integrated sound chip and the GPU's HDMI/DP connectors.
"exec" is exiting the script and not proceeding to next step
2023年1月26日 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site
systemd - systemctl - service exit codes and status information ...
2018年7月26日 · I know that most times it's self-explanatory (and I know the answer to the question here) but lately we get this question a lot at work (some people search via google but can't find it, other people open the systemd.service man page, search for e.g. code 203 and don't find it...) so I thought I might as well put it here so it's …
What return/exit values can I use in bash functions/scripts?
2014年11月16日 · The exit status of a process is encoded as a value between 0 and 255, so that's all you can use as an exit code. If you pass a value outside that range, most shells use the remainder modulo 256. Some shells allow a wider range of integer values for functions. The only rule for exit codes is that 0 means success and any other value means failure ...
Where can I find a list of 'make' error codes?
0: Exit status is 'Successful' 2: Make Encountered Errors; 1: Return response to -q (question) flag, indicating that targets require updating; You can test this by running your examples above (assuming you still have them from 2011) and then running echo $? in the terminal to print the previous return code.