EXITING EARLY INTERVENTION - iowaideainformation.org
IFSP Exits. Children eligible for Early ACCESS must exit early intervention services when they reach their third birthday (maximum age of eligibility). There are other circumstances when children may exit such as when a parent revokes consent or an IFSP team determines they are no longer eligible.
TRANSITION FROM EARLY ACCESS - iowaideainformation.org
There are two transition planning pathways for children and their families who are preparing to exit Early ACCESS: Transition from Early ACCESS to community-based services. IFSP teams consider and discuss the following to help determine the transition planning pathway for …
If no request has been received after 30 days, completed the exit COS and close. You were not aware the family was moving: If you have not received a transfer request and you have not been successful in your attempts to contact the family for up to 90 days, choose the appropriate transition/exit reason, complete your exit COS, and close.
For eligible children in the child sample, the Child Outcomes Summary Entry Form is completed at the initial IFSP meeting, and the Exit version of the form must be completed when the child exits the EIP, for those children who received early intervention services for at least six months.
• When the child is ready to exit the EIP, the EIO/D or ongoing service coordinator will convene an IFSP meeting to develop a transition plan for the child. • As a service provider, your participation in the child’s and family’s IFSP meeting is very important. If you are unable to attend the meeting,
Exit at Age Three includes five categories for children exiting at age three with varying degrees of eligibility for Part B services. Not Receiving Services includes four categories relating to children at exit who have left services for circumstances other than reasons related to their eligibility for services in Part B.
Exit IFSP Meeting - Voluntary Withdrawal
This course will review an example of some things service coordinators need to consider when scheduling an exit meeting is needed when outcomes have been met or the family voluntarily withdraws for other reasons.
the child’s anticipated exit date, the most appropriate timing for the IFSP meeting during which the team will develop the transition plan. If performed too early, before knowing the new learning environment, the plan will not be meaningful. If performed too late, when the transition date is …
At the annual IFSP review, a re-evaluation per state policy was performed. The re-evaluation indicated that Mike was functioning within age-appropriate levels. The IFSP team reconvened, determined that Mike was no longer eligible, and exited him from Part C services.
1. The Current Initial Active or Active IFSP date, Exit Date, and Initial Service Date, and Last Service Date fields will auto-populate. 2. Use the COSF Type drop-down list to select the appropriate COS Type (Entry/Exit form) for the Child. The appropriate form (Entry/Exit form) populates based upon the COSF Type selected.