BMW XM High-Performance Luxury SUV - BMW USA
Discover the BMW XM: the first pure M since the iconic BMW M1 – and the first electrified M in history. Moving the world takes a powerful confluence of vision and energy. This unprecedented SUV brings the intensity of high-performance engineering, made legendary by BMW M, and races ahead into the future. You've never held such force in your hands.
创新BMW XM | BMW中国官网 - 宝马中国
由bmw m部门研发设计的首款高性能插电混动车型——创新bmw xm,以惊雷掣电之姿傲世登临,一统两极。 360千瓦(489马力)的高效内燃机联袂145千瓦(197马力)的BMW eDrive电动动力单元,等效全电续航里程78公里(WLTC),至高动力与能效,搭载多种驾驶模式,全域游 ...
2025 BMW XM Plug-In Hybrid Performance SUV | Pricing & Specs - BMW USA
The BMW XM is a plug-in hybrid luxury SUV with both a combustion engine and a high-performance electric motor, allowing for both speed and efficiency. Luxury design and smart features make the XM stand out further, including the BMW Curved Display, Illuminated Kidney Grille, and a sumptuous, indulgent interior.
Extroverted elegance: The BMW XM 50e combines expressive style with superior performance. Its powerful plug-in hybrid drive system with the M TwinPower Turbo Inline-6-cylinder petrol engine provides convincing dynamics with impressive efficiency.
创新BMW XM Label Red限量版 | BMW中国官网 - 宝马中国
当由BMW M部门研发设计的首款高性能插电混动车型——创新BMW XM完成究极进化,创新BMW XM Label Red限量版应运而生。 恢弘磅礴之姿,蕴含迅捷力量,雷霆万钧之力,尽享叱咤快意。
With a system output of 550 kW (748 hp), the BMW XM Label Red is the most powerful BMW M model ever made. The distinguishing features of the performance-maximising XM variant include an accent band in Toronto Red metallic, although a black accent band also can be specified.
如何评价宝马发布的XM车型?代表了什么方向? - 知乎
2021年11月30日 · 创新BMW XM搭载了宝马史上最强大的混合动力系统,一套由4.4L V8双涡轮增压发动机和高性能电机组成的M混合动力驱动系统,综合最大输出功率高达480千瓦,综合峰值扭矩高达800牛·米,结合领先的8速M Steptronic手自一体变速箱及M xDrive智能全轮驱动系 …
首款全新BMW XM(G09):一覽全貌 | BMW Taiwan
提供197匹馬力的高效BMW eDrive動能系統,可輕鬆實現88公里的純電續航里程,意味著您可寂靜無聲且零碳排放的疾速行駛,暢享馳騁道路的駕馭樂趣。 無論於家中或旅途中:BMW i智慧電能生活圈提供專屬於您的充電方案,符合您的多元需求,滿足您電能生活所需的一切。 您亦可透過My BMW App輕鬆查詢全台超過2,000座交流充電站的站點資訊。 BMW iDrive 8.0使用者介面為M專屬駕駛座艙的多功能儀表板提供特殊動態設計。 依您行駛模式,儀錶板可顯示三種不同的駕馭 …
目前宝马在国内最贵的车,只有25台,什么样的人会买它呢? · 新车解码丨新一代宝马X3火速上市,价格是最大亮点! · 真 是 造 化 弄 “车” 啊 !
BMW XM (G09): Models, technical Data, Hybrid & Prices | BMW …
Self-assured design language and impressive interior – the new BMW XM combines luxury with high performance and electrification. Unmistakable coupé-like silhouette: the accent band in Night Gold alludes to the BMW M1. Expressive design of …