Expan 200
2019年2月28日 · Bulk Expan™ 200 is a revolutionary product used as a component to produce Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) or Heavy ANFO blends, such as E6000HR used in hard rock conditions.
Expan - Sasol
Bulk Expan™ 200 is a revolutionary product used as a component to produce Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) or Heavy ANFO blends, such as E6000HR used in hard rock conditions.
Expan™ - Ammonium Nitrate - Enaex Africa
Expan™ is an innovative PPAN (porous prilled Ammonium Nitrate) product where, in addition to natural porosity, plastic microspheres are included in each Ammonium Nitrate Prill. When used as a component for Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) or heavy ANFO blends, such as the premium E6000P, microspheres result in more ideal detonation behaviour ...
Expan™ PPAN - Intrachem
Expan™ is a revolutionary Porous Prilled Ammonium Nitrate product used as a component to produce Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) or Heavy ANFO blends. Expan™ is available in the low density Expan™ 200 – (Poured 0.66-0.70 kg/l) and normal density Expan™ 300 – …
Bulk Explosives: Heavy ANFO Blend - Sasol
E6000HR Heavy ANFO blend is prepared by mixing Matrix™ with Expan™ 200. Heavy ANFO blends (AN EmexTM) are prepared by blending Matrix™ (65%) with Expan™ (35%). All bulk explosive products are delivered down-the-hole using state of the art bulk delivery trucks (MMU’s -Mobile Manufacturing Units).
Explosive – Intrachem
Expanfo™ is a revolutionary Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil explosive available in the low density Expanfo™ 200 - (Poured 0.68-0.74 kg/l) and normal density Expan™ 300 - (Poured 0.73-0.80 kg/l). Expan™ has the inclusion of microspheres results in prills with special properties which favourably influence the performance in Ammonium Nitrate ...
New product from Gillrange | Agg-Net
2000年8月1日 · Gillrange have introduced Expan 200, a conventional porous prill ammonium nitrate into which encapsulated gas bubbles (micro-spheres) have been added. The addition of micro-spheres of a defined particle size allows the number of 'hot spots' to be controlled, thereby enhancing the detonation properties of the ANFO.
EXPAN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (82 - 31 - 4178231) | 韩国 企业数 …
产品列表: Expan Electronics has been specialized in RF/EMC products since its foundation in 1991. We currently produce Shielding, Absorbing EMC products (EMI/EMC Gaskets, Conductive Tapes, Shield Windows, Heat Shrinkable Tubes, Dispensing Material, Conductive Silicone, Conductive Fabrics, etc.), EMI Filters, SMD Chips, Cables and Thermal goods.
Weishaupt Expansionsgefäß WHI expan 200 #1 R1AG mit …
WHI expan 200 #1 Inhalt: 200 l mit Standring Vordruck 2,5 bar +/- 20 Prozent max. Betriebsdruck 6 bar Anschluss R 1" AG Abmessungen: Durchmesser x Höhe in mm: 600 x 812
200-L through 15000L • Replaceable, full acceptance bladder design. • Industry’s thickest heavy duty butyl bladder. • Free-standing on integral, welded ring base. • Factory pre-charge: 12 psig. • Maximum operating temperature: 240° F. LBC Series Partial Acceptance Models 35-LBC through 600-LBC • Replaceable, partial acceptance ...