GeoEye-1 - Earth Online - European Space Agency
GeoEye-1 is an Earth-imaging satellite operated by Maxar of the United States which launched 6 September 2008 and remains operational. The satellite is included in the WorldView constellation, which consists of the four WorldView satellites and GeoEye-1.
GeoEye-1 Overview - Earth Online - European Space Agency
GeoEye-1 (formerly known as OrbView-5) was a next-generation high-resolution imaging mission of GeoEye, based in Dulles, VA, United States. A company called OrbImage acquired a second, Space Imaging, in 2005. In January 2006, the commercial imaging company GeoEye Inc. was formed from the merger of the two.
GeoEye-1 - Wikipedia
GeoEye-1 is a high-resolution Earth observation satellite owned by Maxar Technologies (formerly DigitalGlobe), launched in September 2008. The satellite was acquired in the 2013 purchase of GeoEye.
地球眼卫星 - 百度百科
地球眼卫星(GeoEye-1)是美国地球眼卫星公司(GeoEyeInc.)发射的第一颗卫星。 地球之眼-1是一颗对地观测卫星,主要用于拍摄地面高分辨率的图片。 2008年9月6日,GeoEye - 1卫星(右概述图)由德尔它 - 2(Delta - 2)运载火箭从 美国范登堡空军基地 发射。 地球眼卫星是美国地球眼公司发展的第二代高分辨率商业遥感卫星,“伊科诺斯”(Ikonos)卫星的下一代,用于为军民用户提供 高分辨率遥感 卫星图像, 美国国家地理空间情报局 (NGA)是该卫星的最大用户。 …
GeoEye-1 (OrbView-5) - eoPortal
2012年5月29日 · Launched from California, USA in September 2008, GeoEye-1 (formerly OrbView-5) is a high-resolution imaging satellite currently owned and operated by Maxar Technologies. Originally designed and built by commercial company GeoEye, the company was merged with DigitalGlobe, which has since been acquired by Maxar Technologies.
地球之眼卫星公司 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
GeoEye卫星公司 (英語: GeoEye Inc.)是 美国 一家商用 卫星 图像公司,坐落于 弗吉尼亚州 赫恩登 [3],為世界上最大的卫星遥感影像公司,母公司为 博龍資產管理。 [4] 其前身是1992创立的 Orbital图像公司 旗下的一个部门,当时土地遥感政策法刚刚允许私人公司从事卫星图像领域。 1997年从该公司分离出来后于2006年更名为GeoEye卫星公司。 [4] 公司結業前的主要资产是一颗名为IKONOS的商用卫星。 2013 年,GeoEye被DigitalGlobe收购。 GeoEye公司向 微软 和 …
GeoEye - Wikipedia
GeoEye Inc. (formerly Orbital Imaging Corporation, or ORBIMAGE) was an American commercial satellite imagery company based in Herndon, Virginia. [3] . GeoEye was merged into the DigitalGlobe corporation on January 29, 2013. [4]
GeoEye-1 ESA archive - Earth Online - European Space Agency
Search and download the products from the dissemination service (via a map). The GeoEye-1 archive collection consists of GeoEye-1 products requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world. The dataset regularly …
卫 星 GeoEye 遥感影像 解译数据 技术参数 - 知乎
GeoEye-1 为美国DigitalGlobe公司的高分辨率遥感卫星,于2008年9月6日发射,其影像分辨率达0.41米 (美国境内),同时提供全色和多光谱影像数据。 GeoEye卫星遥感影像解译数据技术参数是多少? 卫星遥感数据分类: 一、卫星分辨率 1.0.3米:worldview3、worldview4 2.0.4米:worldview3、worldview2、geoeye、kompsat-3A 3.0.5米:worldview3、worldview2、geoe…
【GeoEye-1卫星】 - CSDN博客
2024年9月24日 · GeoEye-1卫星以其高分辨率成像能力、快速响应能力、高数据质量和全球覆盖能力等优势,在遥感观测领域发挥着重要作用。 它不仅能够为各类用户提供高精度的地理空间数据支持,还能够在紧急情况下迅速响应,为灾害评估和恢复工作提供及时准确的信息。 随着技术的不断进步和应用领域的不断拓展,GeoEye-1卫星将继续为人类社会的可持续发展贡献力量。 文章浏览阅读578次,点赞11次,收藏7次。 GeoEye-1卫星以其高分辨率成像能力、快速响应能力、高 …