EyeMed Vision Benefits
You're not like everyone else. And neither are we. EyeMed offers benefits that make it easy to get exactly what you want—and save.
EyeMed Vision Benefits – Members
Special offers, benefits reminders, wellness tips—instant info is just a text and a tap away with EyeMed text alerts. Call 844.873.7853 to opt in. Be sure to have your 9-digit Member ID handy. You can find it on the member portal.
Providers - EyeMed Vision Benefits
At EyeMed, our goal is to improve benefits in ways that are good for clients, members, independent eye care professionals and the industry as a whole. We look for ways to help grow your practice and optimize lifetime value.
Members & Providers - EyeMed Vision Benefits
EyeMed Individual. Are you an EyeMed Individual or Family Vision Plan enrollee? Visit our Individual homepage for all your needs. Click to visit
Member Login - EyeMed Vision Benefits
Member Web is the place to see benefit details, keep tabs on claims and get special offers for vision care. Come on in!
Individual EyeMed Insurance Enrollment
That’s why EyeMed makes it easy to afford regular eye exams, glasses and contact lenses. Simply enter your zip code, find a plan and enroll online. Get a quote
EyeMed Vision Benefits – Extra Perks
See what else EyeMed members get. A vision network with thousands of independent eye doctors, top optical retailers and online providers means you get access to quality care and vision benefits that fit your budget.
Vision Benefits
Member Web is the place to see benefit details, keep tabs on claims and get special offers for vision care. Come on in!
Vision Provider Locator - EyeMed Vision Benefits
Ask your providers if they are in the EyeMed network. If you have questions, you can call Customer Service at the number on your ID card to confirm network providers. For Medicare Advantage members:
Non-discrimination and Notice of Availability - Language
Non-discrimination and Notice of Availability - Language Download Complete Requirements PDF. Your plan complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate, exclude, treat people differently or deny equitable access to services on the basis of race, culture, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, social or ...