Eye-tunes: role of music in ophthalmology and vision sciences
Music has proven to be a potent nonpharmacological sedative and anxiolytic, allaying both the pain and stress of surgery. This review aims to explore the available evidence about the role of music as an adjunct for diagnostic and surgical procedures in current ophthalmic practices. Keywords: cataract surgery, glaucoma, music, ocular surgery, retina
Eye-tunes: role of music in ophthalmology and vision sciences
2021年9月2日 · Music has proven to be a potent nonpharmacological sedative and anxiolytic, allaying both the pain and stress of surgery. This review aims to explore the available evidence about the role of music as an adjunct for diagnostic and …
EyeTunes - The harmony between Music and Medicine
2023年2月10日 · Music can activate widespread neural networks in the brain, including emotional, cognitive and motor regions (1-4). There is a growing body of biomedical research demonstrating that music may be used to improve the overall health of patients in ophthalmology (5) and medicine. Some examples include:
Music has proven to be a potent nonpharmacological sedative and anxiolytic, allaying both the pain and stress of surgery. This review aims to explore the available evidence about the role of music as an adjunct for diagnostic and surgical procedures in current ophthalmic practices.
Eye-tunes: role of music in ophth... preview & related info
Eye-tunes: role of music in ophthalmology and vision sciences. Muralidharan S; Ichhpujani P; Bhartiya S; et al. See more; Therapeutic Advances in Ophthalmology. DOI: 10.1177/25158414211040890. 1 Citations. Citations of this article. 9 Readers. Mendeley users who have this article in their library. Add to library.
Eye-tunes: role of music in ophthalmology and vision sciences
Music has proven to be a potent nonpharmacological sedative and anxiolytic, allaying both the pain and stress of surgery. This review aims to explore the available evidence about the role of music as an adjunct for diagnostic and surgical procedures in current ophthalmic practices. Muralidharan S, Ichhpujani P, Bhartiya S, Singh RB.
The History of Eye Tunes - YouTube
Dr. May and Dr. Martin take you on a tour of popular songs relating to their favorite thing: The Eyes! Incorporating some of the most popular moves in our cu...
This is a git-svn fork of the EyeTunes project with support for iTunes …
EyeTunes.framework is a Cocoa Framework that abstracts away all the ugly Carbon Apple Events magic and allows you to directly control iTunes from any Cocoa Application. This is a fork of the original EyeTunes project with support for iTunes 10 and other updates.
projectM "EyeTune" Universal Windows Platform Frontend App
It brings you the awesome projectM/Milkdrop visuals to any X86-based device supported by Microsoft's Universal Windows Platform, e.g. Surface and some Windows Mobile devices. Due to platform limitations, this app currently does not allow adding any user-specific presets.
Eye Tunes: Songs about Eyes, Sight and Vision - Spotify
Playlist · Eye Tunes: Songs about Eyes, Sight and Vision · 36 items · 93 saves