EyeSat 3U CubeSat Astronomy Mission to study Zodiacal Light
2019年2月4日 · EyeSat (also spelled as EYE-SAT and as Eye-Sat) is a triple CubeSat project being developed by students from engineering schools working at the French space agency (CNES) in Toulouse, together with students from an University Technological Institute (IUT) in Cachan, France.
Eye-Sat - Gunter's Space Page
2023年1月14日 · Eye-Sat (also spelled EyeSat) is a 3U CubeSat astronomy mission studying zodiacal light and the milky way developed by students from engineering schools working at the French space agency (CNES) in Toulouse, together with students from an University Technological Institute (IUT) in Cachan, France.
眼睛-卫星 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉 …
眼睛-卫星 (Eye-Sat)属于3U纳卫星,已再入,曾正常工作过(截至2024年2月)。 用于研究黄道带光和银河系成像的天文任务(Astronomy mission to study the zodiacal light and imaging of the Milky Way) [1]。 由学生开发的研究黄道十二宫光和银河成像的天文任务。 科学目标之一是观测可见光范围内的黄道十二宫光、偏振光和非偏振光,并对银河系进行深入和全面的彩色成像。 第二个目标是嵌入新技术,进行技术演示 [1]。
EyeSat: A Great Student Adventure Within the French Space …
EyeSat: A Great Student Adventure Within the French Space Agency Leading Up to Lessons Learned From Orbit. Utah State University, Logan, UT. EyeSat has been a tremendous, challenging and successful student project.
Bye-bye Eye-Sat | Spacelab Cachan
Eyesat, le premier cubesat du CNES réalisé par des étudiants vit ainsi ses derniers jours. Il nous livre cette ultime image en guise d’adieu ! Cette descente était attendue après 4 ans de vie en orbite et beaucoup de retours d'expérience sur les nouvelles technologies embarquées par …
Eye-Sat will observe the Zodiacal light, the Sun light scattered by interplanetary dust. It is a diffuse and faint white glow. Equipped with its small home-made telescope, this 3U CubeSat will measure the zodiacal light’s intensity and linear polarization ratio.
Eye-Sat: A 3U Student CubeSat from CNES Packed with Technology
2019年7月16日 · Eye-Sat will observe the Zodiacal light, the Sun light scattered by interplanetary dust. It is a diffuse and faint white glow. Equipped with its small home-made telescope, this 3U CubeSat will measure the zodiacal light’s intensity and linear polarization ratio.
EyeSat Spacecraft - Nanosats Database
A scientific objective is to observe the zodiacal light in the visible range, polarized and unpolarized light and make a deep and comprehensive picture of the Milky Way in color. The second objective is to embed new technologies in order to make the technology demonstration.
CNES selects Arianespace to launch EyeSat astronomy mission
French space agency Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) has signed a launch services contract with Arianespace for the deployment of EyeSat astronomy mission into space. Following its launch, the triple CubeSat-sized EyeSat nanosatellite …
眼睛卫星1号 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京 …
眼睛卫星1号 (Eyesat 1),一颗美国微卫星,是与 SPOT 3 (93-061A)一同发射的六颗微卫星之一。 它的主要功能是作为中继卫星,负责从地面站和某些工业设施收集并转发环境数据。 [1] ↑ NSSDCA Master Catalog "EYESAT 1". 卫星百科 航天大模型 已上线,欢迎使用! 禁止在任何页面泄露 国家秘密 或 商业秘密。 除特殊说明外, 本站点 内容基于 CC BY-SA 4.0 协议 共享,转载需注明来源并按相同方式共享。 加群链接: 航天讨论 、 编辑讨论 、 航天动态。 欢迎来 卫星 …