Boeing F-15EX Eagle II - Wikipedia
The Boeing F-15EX Eagle II is an American multirole fighter derived from the McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle. The aircraft resulted from U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) studies in 2018 to recapitalize the United States Air Force's (USAF) aging tactical aviation fleet.
F-15EX - The Boeing Company
Ready to fight as soon as it comes off the line, the F-15EX is the most affordable, reliable and immediate way to refresh the capacity and update the capabilities of tactical fighter fleets. With low operating costs compared to other fighters yet four times the weapons payload and twice the fuel, range and speed, the F-15EX represents a modern ...
General Dynamics F-16XL - Wikipedia
The General Dynamics F-16XL is a derivative of the F-16 Fighting Falcon with a cranked-arrow delta wing. It entered the United States Air Force 's (USAF) Enhanced Tactical Fighter (ETF) competition in 1981 but lost to the F-15E Strike Eagle.
F-15鷹式戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F-15鷹式战斗机[a] (英語: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle),是一款 美国 麥克唐納-道格拉斯公司 (现 波音公司)开发生产的全天候 制空 战斗机。 針對獲得与維持空优而设计,是 美國空軍 現役的主力战机之一。 F-15是自1962年展開的 F-X (Fighter-Experimental)计划发展而来,在战机世代上被画分为 第四代战机。 为了替代除役的 F-111 执行穿透打击任务,1988年F-15发展出後續的衍生型 F-15E打擊鷹式戰鬥轟炸機,这是一款成功的全天候打击战斗机。 F-15或F-15E已出 …
F-15鹰式战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年3月4日 · F-15鹰式战斗机 [a] (英语: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle ),是一款美国 麦克唐纳-道格拉斯公司(现波音公司)开发生产的全天候制空 战斗机。针对获得与维持空优而设计,是美国空军现役的主力战机之一。
F-16XL - 百度百科
Why the U.S. Air Force Wants the F-15EX Eagle II Fighter
2024年11月25日 · The F-15EX Eagle II: The U.S. Air Force’s Next Multi-Role Workhorse. In June of this year, the Air National Guard’s 142nd Wing in Portland, Oregon received America’s first operational F-15EX Eagle II – a revamped iteration of the legendary air superiority fighter intended to replace the nation’s aging fleet of F-15C and D fighters ...
F-16XL战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
通用動力F-16XL戰鬥機(英語:General Dynamics F-16XL)是1980年2月通用動力自資進行的「超音速巡航和機動」計劃(Supersonic Cruise and Maneuvering Program, SCAMP)改進計劃,由美國空軍提供了2架F-16 A/B作為改裝,進行了F-16 三角箭形機翼(箭簇)布局的試驗,F-16XL的機 …
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Why the Heavily-Armed F-16XL Dominates the F-15 Eagle
2021年3月24日 · The F-16XL was capable of supersonic speeds at high or low altitudes, all while carrying its mighty payload, and had no trouble climbing quickly with bombs underwing.