硫氧还蛋白-1:神奇的蛋白质 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
硫氧还蛋白(Thioredoxin,Trx)一类广泛存在的热稳定的作为氢载体的蛋白质(约12 kDa)。 在许多还原反应中作为氢供体,特别是核苷二磷酸变成相应的脱氧产物和光依赖性的还原反应中。
Chloroplastic thioredoxin-f and thioredoxin-m1/4 play ... - PubMed
Chloroplast thioredoxins (TRXs) and glutathione function as redox messengers in the regulation of photosynthesis. In this work, the roles of chloroplast TRXs in brassinosteroids (BRs)-induced changes in cellular redox homeostasis and CO2 assimilation were …
f型和m型硫氧还蛋白的功能划分以调节光系统I ... - X-MOL
叶绿体定位的经典 Trx 是一种小的氧化还原活性蛋白,它通过以光依赖性方式减少它们的二硫键来调节许多靶蛋白。据报道,缺乏f型 Trx ( trx f1f2 ) 或m型 Trx ( trx m124-2 ) 的拟南芥突变体显示出延迟的卡尔文循环酶减少。因此,trx m124-2突变体表现出生长缺陷。
The ferredoxin/thioredoxin pathway constitutes an indispensable …
2022年12月1日 · Thiol-based redox regulation is a post-translational modification that controls protein function by switching the oxidation/reduction states of Cys residues (e.g., formation/cleavage of disulfide bonds). As a mediator of reducing power, the small ubiquitous protein thioredoxin (Trx) plays a pivotal role in redox regulation.
Functional division of f-type and m-type thioredoxins to regulate …
2022年3月24日 · Chloroplast-localized classical Trx is a small redox-active protein that regulates many target proteins by reducing their disulfide bonds in a light-dependent manner. Arabidopsis thaliana mutants lacking f -type Trx (trx f1f2) or m -type Trx (trx m124-2) have been reported to show delayed reduction of Calvin cycle enzymes.
Thioredoxin (Trx): A redox target and modulator of cellular …
2024年4月1日 · Thioredoxin (Trx) is a compact redox-regulatory protein that modulates cellular redox state by reducing oxidized proteins. Trx exhibits dual functionality as an antioxidant and a cofactor for diverse enzymes and transcription factors, thereby exerting influence over their activity and function.
科学网—PNAS:硫氧还蛋白通过控制多个光合相关蛋白的氧化还 …
2021年12月18日 · 硫氧还蛋白Trx是一类在叶绿体中介导从光合电子传递系统将还原力传递到目标酶的蛋白,调控着这些酶的活性。由Trx赋予的氧化还原调控是多个叶绿体功能适应不断改变的光环境的核心机制。但是,在叶绿体中参与酶的氧化反应的因素还不清楚。
硫氧还蛋白氧化还原调节镁螯合酶 CHLI 亚基的 ATP 酶活性,并调 …
叶绿体硫氧还蛋白 (TRX) 充当从铁氧还蛋白到目标酶的氧化还原信号的信使。 在这项工作中,我们研究了豌豆 (Pisum sativum) TRX-F 对镁 (Mg) 螯合酶 CHLI 亚基的调节影响以及镁螯合酶的体外和体内酶促激活。 在体外,减少的 TRX-F 激活豌豆 CHLI 的 ATP 酶活性,并增强由三个重组亚基 CHLI、CHLD 和 CHLH 与调节蛋白 GENOMES UNCOUPLED4 (GUN4) 组合重建的镁螯合酶的活性。 酵母双杂交和双分子荧光互补测定表明,TRX-F 与 CHLI 发生物理相互作用,但不与其 …
Inactivation of thioredoxin f1 leads to decreased light ... - PubMed
Chloroplast thioredoxin f (Trx f) is an important regulator of primary metabolic enzymes. However, genetic evidence for its physiological importance is largely lacking. To test the functional significance of Trx f in vivo, Arabidopsis mutants with insertions in …
NTRC and Thioredoxin f Overexpression Differentially Induces …
2019年11月26日 · Our results demonstrated that NTRC overexpression induced enhanced starch accumulation in tobacco leaves, as occurred with Trx f. However, only Trx f silencing leads to a significant decrease in the leaf starch content.