F-16A OCU (Japan) | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update "Storm Warning", the F-16A OCU is a true multirole aircraft, which, thanks to a wide range of weaponry, is capable of performing both fighter and attack missions.
2025年1月2日 · 从1987年起,F-16的生产线开始递交“作战能力提升”(Operational Capability Upgrade ,OCU)标准的批次15机型。 改良版电脑与资料总线。 最大起飞重量上升至37,500磅(17,000千克)。 包括批次10在内,总共有214架飞机接受这一批提升。 从1989年起,为了维持各国F-16机队与苏联战机对抗的优势,由美国、荷兰、比利时、丹麦四国签署国际MLU协议,挪威作为参予者列席参加。 后来由于冷战的结束,机队规模的缩减,美国退出MLU升级协议,但 …
General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon variants - Wikipedia
A large number of variants of the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon have been produced by General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, and various licensed manufacturers. The details of the F-16 variants, along with major modification programs and derivative designs significantly influenced by the F-16, are described below.
“蝰蛇”的秘密(二 家族)——洛克希德F-16“战隼”战斗机(上)
2010年1月5日 · F-16A/B 是“战隼”的第一种生产型,A 是单座型 B 是双座型,除此之外两者基本相同,并且具有相同的性能包线和武器挂载能力。 但是在 F-16 的生产中,USAF 并没有使用以前惯用的批次后缀来定义“战隼”生产过程中的细微改进,例如 F-16A-10-CF、F-16A-15-CF 等。 而是改用生产批次号(Block)、多阶段改进项目阶段(MSIP)、作战能力升级(OCU)等让人眼花缭乱的名称来区别不同批次、不同改进阶段的“战隼”,这也给以后的型号识别造成了困难。 其中的 …
F-16.net - The ultimate F-16, F-35 and F-22 reference
2010年1月5日 · Between 1991 and 1996, earlier models of the F-16 with the -200 engines had them upgraded to -220E standard, providing capabilities and lifespan comparable to the Block 15OCU -220 engine.
F-16战斗机A/B、C/D、E/F/I、V型号之间的区别 - 百度知道
2024年10月13日 · 经过作战能力升级(OCU)的F-16命名为F-16 Block 15-OCU,换装了更可靠的普惠F100-PW-220发动机,加装了ALQ-131电子对抗吊舱,能够发射AIM-120中距空空雷达制导导弹和AGM-65小牛空地导弹。
F-16 block 15升级中APG-66雷达改进解读 - 百度贴吧
在block15升级项目中,AN/APG-66迎来第一次升级,增加了对AIM7的支持和早期TWS功能,f16第一次有了超视距打击能力。 在block15(OCU)升级中,AN/APG-66升级成了AN/APG-66(V)2,增加了对AIM120的支持。
F-16.net - The ultimate F-16, F-35 and F-22 reference
After the temporary installation of the Conversion Improvement Program (CIP) in 1993, the complete training of all F-16 pilots was carried out by the OCU. BAF F-16B block 5 (original) #FB-07 from the OCU is spotted at Aalborg AB on November 18th, 1997. [Photo by Erik Frikke] In 1996 the squadron was relocated to the 10th Wing at Kleine Brogel AB.
[2.0] F-16 Variants - AirVectors
At the end of Block 15 production, an "Operational Capability Upgrade (OCU)" was introduced that featured the improved P&W F100-PW-220 engine, which was fitted with: A "digital electronic engine control (DEEC)". A bigger "head-up display (HUD)", built by Marconi in the UK. Support for the AN/ALQ-131 jammer pod.
F-16 战隼 衍生型号 (Fighting Falcon) - 爱空军 iAirForce
从1987年起,F-16的生产线开始递交作战能力提升(Operational Capability Upgrade ,OCU)标准的批次15机型。 改良的部分包括改良与新增数位控制接口的F100-PW-220涡轮风扇发动机,发射AGM-65小牛空地导弹、AIM-120先进中程空空导弹与AGM-119企鹅导弹能力,电子反制系统以 …
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